October 9th, 2012


[No Subject]

Hi hi! My name's Madeline and I'm brand new to the game, bringing you all Michael The Archangel! Or as his mortal name, Greg Sherman. He's 28, a physiatrist doing his residency at New York Presbyterian Hospital, working primarily with wounded veterans home from Afghanistan, rehabilitating them from nerve damage or traumatic injury. He's California raised but has been in New York City for quite some time, which might just be not so coincidental, as he is just now becoming more familiar with his true self. He's not all the way there yet, and isn't too comfortable going as Michael, but hopefully he'll get there!

Overall, Michael could stand to have a little more fun. He's always so serious and watchful, clearly having the capability to be the commander that his true self is, though he's working on it still. He can come off as a little bossy and no-nonsense, and is a perfectionist and way too hard on himself to boot. He's definitely looking forward to learning more about his neighbors, or finding out the truth behind some of the people he's known all along.

So sorry for this intro post being so late, I've just started a brand new job in a brand new city (with twelve hour days!), but I'm looking so forward to starting and jumping right on in! Of course, Michael would love to meet his "brothers," needs some friends to help him loosen up, and it would be amazing to come into contact with some of those other ex-colleagues. . .you know, before he helped throw them out of heaven and stomped the yard on their leader's head. . .you know, the usual. . .

His profile is HERE (pardon the mess, I need to pretty it and upload more icons!) if you want more info, and if so, hit me up with anything! Looking so forward to it, and can't wait to get started! <3