July 6th, 2012



plot post (scandal and opium family)

Ok, folks, I figure this is needed since we might be not QUITE sure where we are at with some stuff. So this post will serve for two possible plots:

So Pheme discovered something fabulous to print and Samyaza was all 'LET'S DO IT' in hopes of getting this printed on the fifth of July. But, of course, it would be under a false name to definitely protect Pheme. The point of this post is to discuss what the article said (Jill, if you actually want to scribble up the article or just summarize it here, go for it!) and this will help with reactions on journals and stuff.

Although it will initially have to do with the four siblings, it doesn't hurt to keep the plotting in public. Right now, Persephone and Rosier had been plotting against someone they dislike but this doesn't have to be THE plot they run with. Let's air some ideas and all?

I'm going to be sleeping in a bit because I am exhaaaausted but hopefully this will help with organization with some stuff. Please remember this post as well as any IC posts that push the plot, guys! ♥



[No Subject]

My dears, on a small hiatus until sunday~ Due to work, friends, family, i.e., RL biting my ankles and not letting go.



Self-explanatory--your characters can sign up under the appropriate threads to express their interest in joining the organizing committee (Camelot) or the regional delegation (everywhere else, if the respective region leaders are cool with taking on volunteers). Responses/confirmations/etc should be handled by the region leader or whoever the region leader has delegated to man the delegation/committee.

For your reference--
Babylon Horus has tasked Osiris with leading a delegation. Isis is free to accompany? He is chill with volunteers if Osiris is.
Camelot Gwynevere has tasked Tecciztecatl with overseeing and organizing the event. She is chill with volunteers if Tecc is.
Iriy I thiiink Galahad and Athena are leading their region's delegation while Hera mans the fort?
Niflheim I thiiiink Medb is coming to lead her own delegation?
Ryugu-jo Ryujin is leading his delegation!

Dignitaries of rank will be housed at Camelot's castle, and others at Barachiel's. Kindly leave your armies at the door, though security retinues will not be turned away.

Another post will be going up soon with delegation lists (once finalized) + accommodations information!