June 28th, 2012



using this icon because I'll never get to IC >_____>

SUP GUYS! Here we are with some plotty stuff, as you all know Heimdall and Sigyn ran off, and Ryujin has Hades and other people on the matter- and I believe so does Camelot (please confirm yay/nay ♥ ) but! This all aside, we've come up with a list of date where false sightings of the couple will happen.

It'd be awesome if you guys had neutrals/whoever jump in and comment on it - or even be the ones who reported the happenings to the authorities or whatever. Go wild, seriously, plot away! :3

The dates and scenarios are as follows:
28 June- Border between Niflheim and Babylon, a kimono that appears to be from the royal family is being sold in a market there. [TAKEN BY OUR LOVE SHI WITH PERSE~]

4 July - An old coworker of Heimdall who has been instructed to watch for his return, raises a false alarm in Camelot. [TAKEN BY OUR LOVELY JILL WITH PHEME~]

7 July - Far end of Babylon near the border with Iriy, the body of an unknown Ryugunese woman is recovered (courtesy of Tez) and mistakenly IDed as Sigyn.

13 July- Inner Babylon- another eloped couple is mistakenly IDs as them.

SO, tomorrow, who wants to purchase a rare Ryugunese royal kimono? :D!

ALSO, Ryujin WILL be putting up an official announcement so neutrals are all in the know of what is going on as soon as details are worked out. For the sighting tomorrow it will NOT be linked to Sigyn/Heimdall directly- it is more of a 'oh gosh what is this rare kimono being sold here, weren't there some rumors with something weird in ryugu-jo?' vague stuff!

[edit] ALSO so I don't spam more, two things- Polyxena has been rebooted, though obviously that won't be a big deal until post-Zurvan. Her new info is in the app masterlist though!

AND for Zurvan, Pyri is Thanatos' cousin and currently courting Hel. ♥ JUST SO PEOPLE KNOW. I'll get to posting with him soon.