May 31st, 2012



end of event twenty & feedback post

By midnight EST, your characters will have returned home. The healthy, living ones anyway. Their injuries will have been patched up for the most part, any missing bits returned. They won't be spared much pain that they suffered. For example, Euterpe and Cù Sìth, both who were just barely saved, will still have pains from wounds that may not exist anymore. It will take a up to five days for them to be fully well again, longer than others who might only need one to three days.

For the deceased, they will return - in hospitals. Their reason for being there will vary and can be chosen by players. Car accidents, a fight gone badly, etc. No one in the hospital will suspect otherwise and these formerly deceased characters will be less patched up than the ones who lived. However, they can be released as soon as you think them capable or too impatient to stay though they will not fully recover until several days later (we estimate a week at least). Feel free to take this in any direction you see fitting.

Remember that dying should never be taken lightly. Naturally, depending on your character's personality and myth, they may handle it differently but that the effects of death should still be noted someway.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask. We hope you enjoyed this event. And now, something extra we hope you all might participate in: Please read )

This post will remained screened. We may not reply in detail to every comment but will answer any questions, and take any, and all suggestions under consideration. We will, of course, reply to any comments that definitely need our attention. Thank you, guys! ♥



[No Subject]

Because I apparently cannot stop is Selene. ksdnlfads. She's totes a cool chick. I many other women would put the human they loved to sleep at night so they could stay young for forever? Alright, so MAYBE she should have asked first...but...he didn't seem unhappy? As a human she goes by Celeste and she's the sister of Odr (who needs to cool his shit down, for reals). She works in a sleep lab and is super cool. She's probably that weird lady you've seen walking around with wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and possibly an umbrella during the day because she burns easily and isn't particularly fond of the day. Really, if she can do all her work at night, she will. She's easily distracted during the day, so if you talk to her then, you might end up getting a little frustrated. She's totes okay at night.

You can look here for more info. I accept any and all plot! If anyone knows Odr and wants to be aware of her presence because of it (considering her full-time job is giving him directions when he gets lost. Poor, hopeless brother) I am all for it. Pleeassee. :D




just maybe for a little organization

Since the mod post is screened and, of course, that makes a wee bit harder to mention this stuff, I figured this post might help.

If you like, just go ahead and comment here with where your characters might be hospitalized! Some people have already mentioned in comments and posts but this will keep it a little more tidy. ♥