May 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone! My name is Annabel, and I'm glad to meet you all. ♥ I actually meant to do this 'official introduction' of sorts earlier, but this weekend wound up being super crazy!

I'm bringing in Hippolytus - currently Matthew Lang, a 25-year-old grad student at Columbia. Comes from a rich family with parents who didn't really like children all that much, so he spent most of his life in boarding schools in the UK. Somewhat as a result, he's one of those quiet, reserved people who doesn't deal well with nonsense and thinks that he knows the right answer to everything. More information here for the curious!

As for contact info, I'm [info]regalia on IJ (which I don't use all that often, but will respond to pings) and seasidekingdom on both AIM (ditto) and plurk.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!

[No Subject]

My sweets, I'm back, significantly more poor than when I left. THAT IS ALL.