May 19th, 2012


[No Subject]

HELLO ALL. Did anybody miss me? No?

I suck, I've been MIA the past week and then some being caught up with real life stuff that I could honestly do without BUT I'M BACK and I see I've missed loads of stuff. And while I'm still in the process of getting my shit together and catching up, I would like you all to hit me with whatever you have! And if you want to back me up on anything that I should know, that would be amazing too.

So far, I'll absolutely have Morpheus be a scholar of some sort, and I was thinking people could generally dislike him for his views or something? He would be a skeptic, and he probably questions a lot of things and the beliefs that go around. That also probably means that he'll look down on a lot of people and their ideas and wishes that everybody was more logical and less barbaric. I was also thinking that if anybody had any hands in the pies of the government he could be involved in that too. I don't even know, I'm just throwing shit around. I probably didn't even make sense!

But help me ouuuut.