May 16th, 2012





Though she grows more vulnerable, Khaos' rage burns stronger and faster. This time, she has clashed with Kala, forcing you, godlings, to be pitched back into time. To a place where blood was as desirable as gold, lusted for and craved. Where crowds howled and cheered for their favourites and flung refuse at those they loathed.

Welcome to Ancient Rome.

Time: From the 15th (11:59 PM EST) to 30th (11:59 PM EST)

Location: Whisked to Ancient Rome (roughly late first century/early second century)



For the two weeks, your characters will be in this world. Use the limited time well for plots and drama. Ideas for this have been taken from mainly series Spartacus but don't feel limited to that.

The first week will be spent training for the gladiators at their ludus (gladiator training school), figuring out who would match who (read more below for how this will be managed). Take part in the lifestyle, of the wine, the men and women, the gambling and, naturally, bloodsport. Go to games held before the big next week. The messenger (who will be revealed below) is the one to go to if your gladiator character requires ANYTHING at all so we encourage his use. We don't encourage too much visit to the doctor as he just might steal bits of life-force but, alas, he is the only doctor your characters get. But remember that if your character is property, they will not necessary have a great amount ot freedom. Yes, even the gladiators will be treated like slaves even if they are of value. They may have family but permission will have to be earned to see that family or even go out. This can be done through filtering to one's master and/or mistress (the NPC will reply). Journals will be magical and made of paper once more. Use this as needed.

Death by crucifixion is a possibility should someone get out of hand. But mostly, expect a character to be threatened with or even whipped or humiliated in unpleasant manner to stifle any disobedience that has been caught. And should someone demand special inspection of them, they will whip off that subligaria (and strophium if you are a woman) and show them the goods. Because, once more, your character is property of the lanista and will do as they are told. Naturally, no character will be forced into anything they (and you) don't want but please keep in mind realistic consequences and so forth. This can also be used for drama you can handle.

The Roman Gladiator
Arena: Gladiatorial Games
The Gladiator
Life in Roman Times
Roman Society
Everyday Life in Rome

The above are some helpful links if you need to grasp something. While not a fantasy realm, some liberties can be taken as we don't expect people to get elbow deep in research and that we have a variety of nationalites among our cast. As women are also gladiators during this era rather than a later one that we are already bending some rules. But remember realism for what you can, please.

Details concerning the characters & npcs )

The second week will be the battles in the arena. Within those seven days, it's predicted five days will have two fights max and two days will have three. As there is not an even number of males and females, there will be ONE female trio and ONE male trio. Characters will DIE unless they signal for mercy or are given it by the lanista. The crowds also dictate a person's life. To signal for mercy is also a sign of weakness, a thing of shame but it is still a choice. Please remember to plot things out with others and don't be shy about seeing your character perish in the glory of the arena.

ABILITIES: these will be gone. For all characters. It will come down strictly to what knowledge and skills your character has naturally and please keep this in mind when deciding whether they win or lose. Yes, they will walk in with a sword or spear (your choice), some armour and shield but that will be it.

The last one standing might not be so fortunate anyway. Khaos rules here despite being a woman and she may very well pit your weakened character against her guards or someone in a more fresh state. But there may be a chance at freedom as well, something judged by any sort of logs done for the pleasure of the true audience (AKA us, lovelies). If you complete a mini or log and would like to see if the community feels your victorious character deserves freedom, make an OOC note at the end of it. Then players can make ooc notes on that log or mini. The results will be decided every midnight with a comment from the dominus Chiconahuiehecatl.

For sake of absolute clarity, please list in the appropriate comment thread below who you would like to see win or lose (and possibly die if the character does not signal for mercy). Examples of what we mean will be below. Match up the best you can with characters who have chosen something opposite of yours. We will have a second post up with the battles once most people have arranged something so people can get to logging or figuring out what to do.

Those that remain undecided whether for battle pairings or the outcome and would prefer for 'fate' to decide, we mods will take care of that. We have a second comment thread below for those. In reference to the matter of being granted mercy, if you would like the mods to decide, leave a comment here as well whenever. An OOC comment will be offered on the mini, log or, if you don't have time, in general in this thread.

And then, in the third comment, please list all those who are not gladiators (slaves, more guards, whores, merchants, children or spouses of those in power). We hope for most characters to be contained within the ludus but there will be access to others when others are invited in or people are allowed out. People who may stay in the villa as guests or even those who become a patron of the ludus or purchase a gladiator as their own if the master and mistress allow. Purchasing a gladiator or a to-be is no small expense and a character should have means to cover the expenses. The females interested will also need an indulgent male relation as well (unless drama is desired).

This is a plot heavy event so please remember to read and not shy from asking anything if it helps. Questions, comments, thoughts are all welcome below. ♥



[No Subject]

Hello everyone! My name's Kaa and this is my first character! Her name is Shivani Mehra, or rather, Kali from the Hindu pantheon. A quick rundown (in depth here if you like): 30 years old, from Goa, India and after bouncing through some jobs and a few fights in the US, ended up getting a job as an escort handler. She's got a pretty bad temper on her and is kind of a walking mess of extremes. She's also go a pretty fun ability of craving for blood, battle, and flesh that can affect those around her when she's in less than favorable moods, whoops. I'm reading up on the event so, I'm sure she'll be somewhat thrilled by the gladiators if less thrilled to actually be in Rome.

So! Just, hello everyone, I'm really happy to be here! I'm open to pretty much everything and my aim is noahingly. I'm on quite often, and I don't bite. ♥