May 9th, 2012





Because I'll probably never be able to use this icon ICly-- LOL, no, I probably will find a way.

Anyway, this character is different because it was never human or even an animal so it's going to be interesting playing a vampire tree. He's a family physician in this life with a small-group private practice. His English is pretty good. He sadly cannot drink people's blood purely because he is human and disease blood would not go down as well. But he does steal people's life-force. ♥

He doesn't have many near-n-dear friends. He really feels he has no use for them. But he can be social enough. Polite. Helpful while snagging some of your energy. ♥ And IDK what else to say so ceasing here dslkjf

OH. Any CR would be fab. /o/ Anything else can be worked out in-game.