April 14th, 2012



app & reserves for april

Just a brief announcement but we will be leaving applications and reserves open the rest of the month! We figure we need another app month like we did back in January but without the whole Zurvan influence. We'll open up slots for the remainder of the month as well.

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, feel free to ask here or in our mod box. Thank you!



abc party

Ok, so Cù Sìth mentioned to Sigyn and later Pan about an ABC party on this Sunday at 7:00 PM. And he's leaving it up to them to invite others - adult and all, please. But that's not the only way to go it. Maybe you know someone else going to it or were invited as well. Whatever works for you if you want to have a character go!

Remember that an ABC party is Anything But Clothes party. Google it for more information but I think that description suffices. This post is pretty much if someone wants anything lulzy to happen, weird choice of attire, etc (he's wearing a dog bowl bikini).

That is all. ♥