March 28th, 2012



zurvan feedback post


This is about Zurvan only. So please hit us up with your thoughts. We know it was only for two months as a trial thing but we would love to know how you thought it was handled. What can we do differently? Maybe what to not include next time for this setting or even another? How can we improve plotting for it as well?

What are ways to make it easier for new players to get into things as well? This was a major concern for us and we hoped we did do some justice in easing new players into the setting. We seriously would love any and all critique in making things better in the future. We mods are here to make each game plot a good experience for you guys.

This post will remained screened. We may not reply in detail to every comment but definitely give answers those ask questions. Thank you, guys!

Remember the AC for the month is ONE POST PLUS TEN COMMENTS. See the FAQ for further details.
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