March 12th, 2012


[No Subject]

Angie and I are now one for one in bisyllabic H___ characters. (I AM WATCHING YOU, WOMAN.)

Uh. This is Hera.

She eats mistresses and illegitimate children for breakfast.


(This is Cristina, by the by.

P.S. Bitch has no idea who she is~)



[No Subject]

Hello world, please say hi to Merlin. He says hello back. He also happens to be Theseus' son, went to boarding school with Pan and Sigyn and thus knows Gwen. Currently he studies economics in NYU and he's a quirky motherfucker with a weird roommate. He was oblivious as to who he was until everyone else came back from Zurvan.

Whoever wants anything, hit me up. ♥