February 10th, 2012



lilith intro post~


Now we only need two more concubines. And moooore archangels. And demons. /not so subtle hint

Anyway. In NYC, she is known as Madeleine Charbonneau, thirty-three years of age, fashion photographer with a fourteen-year old daughter. So single mother, divorced, figured herself out at the end of her mistake of a marriage. She has six full siblings (she was the fourth born), perhaps more if her German-Swedish mother's many marriages afterward produced any children. French-American father was married four times, so possible children from there as well. So big family, recent discovery and adjusting.

And with modly blessing (as well as Joana and Cristina's), Glastheim? You have your king's murder(ess). And she's a Glasthein. When her own plans to marry the king fell through because of Heimdall's engagement and the king going 'marriage for us is silly, but let's continue having the secret affair!', she axed him. She is a faction member in Glastheim, by the way.

CR would be lovely for both worlds. Thank you. ♥ On another note, I have been having some crazy headaches recently which will die down once I figure out the source. But if I seem a little slower right now, that's why. :x♥





Angie here with a brand new kid: Hermione!, aka Helen and Menelaus' kid. She's fourteen and a bit of a brat in NYC, however less so in Zurvan. Zurvan-side, she's Euterpe's little sister, which means Elaine gets a little cousin! She lived a nomadic life until a couple years ago, until she became a seamstress' apprentice and remains so in Camlann.

Now in NYC, she's Denver Langston, aka Lucifer's ickle sister, and best friend to Pheme. Bit more mouthy, more opinionated. In ninth grade and still living with mommy and daddy, etc. She's aware of her true self, so there will be a lot of secret-keeping until she's comfortable in revealing herself, especially to her parents.

Contact is still the same! PLOTS FOR MY LITTLE LADY?