February 2nd, 2012



zurvan end-date and npcs

Hey everyone! While the activity check is going on we wanted to bring up something important:

Zurvan will be ending February 29th. This is pretty much a notice for you guys to know how to wrap up and handle any plots you have for Zurvan before then (unless you want things to end in an unresolved way!). There will be a week toward the end of the month when the begin to remember who they really are just to cause some chaos among them before this major plot ends. There will be another post to address things (especially relating to Khaos and what choices people have for then they return to NYC) when the time is right and when we know what to offer. We just wanted to at least tell you all when we wanted to end this plot. We also thought that the 29th would be fabulous to end on since it exists only every four years. We are a bit silly this way.

And as we have a date now for when Zurvan will end, we are filling in any major positions not filled in:

→ Memitim, the diplomat

→ Keres, the faction leader

→ Cihuateteo, the diplomat

Yes, they will be replying to faction-filtered posts and perhaps others. They have no knowledge of their pasts, just like all the others though may begin to remember sooner than others. Khaos and Kala are in Chiconahuiehecatl's court. They are well known for bickering and having split the court mostly in two. The other NPCs are around: the Utukku will be in Mictlan and the Valkyrie in Glastheim. They are faction members but only in name for now. Don't bother filtering to them, they aren't likely to reply.

So please check this and tell us if your character is still NOT LISTED still. In fact, please nudge us about anything that needs a poke that we did not remember to touch upon. Your mods are getting over hectic January now.

Question, comments and more can be thrown here. Thank you, guys!