January 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Aaaaaah, hello there. My name is Valerie and I'm new, so nice to meet you all! The character I'm bringing into the game is Osiris- Egyptian king of the dead and god of fertility/agriculture, husband of Isis, father of Horus and Anubis, and the trend-setter that made being a mummy a cool thing. He's not used to being alive, so please be kind.

In Zurvan, he's a shepherd that hangs out with the grazing sheep all day in the plains of Camlann and doesn't care about politics or wedding shenanigans (no offence, he's just wary of parties.)

Back in the modern world, he's a 27-year-old florist from Iowa named Donovan Shepherd and is completely unaware of his identity as Osiris or his ability to speak to the dead. He's rather laid-back and socially withdrawn, and suffers from an incurable case of naivety.

I look forward to getting to know everybody and plot and have somebody hold my hand, so feel free to contact me via AIM!



Obligatory Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Cara and I'm also new here, so I thought I'd drop an introduction as well. I come to you with the Egyptian god Set! God of deserts, chaos, war, darkness, foreigners, storms, etc..

In general, he's just as terrible as a mortal as he was a god. He may be cunning and bold, but he's stubborn and incredibly abrasive. I wouldn't expect too many nice things from him, so I apologize for him ahead of time, sob. That's Set for you! In NYC, he is known as Altan Howell, the Timpanist/Principal Percussionist for the NY Philharmonic. Oblivious to his former godliness, he lives a pretty ordinary hipster life with his roomie Donovan Osiris and their sphynx cat. Train wreck waiting to happen. In Zurvan, however, he's a former Svarga noble turned marauder-for-hire. The seas and streets always need to be less safe.

Aaand that's all I think. If anyone wants to know more, you're welcome to hop over and peek at his application stuff. I would love to plot and things, so feel free to drop me a line via comment, email, PM, IM, etc.! I promise I don't bite.