January 9th, 2012



zurvan weddings

As this will likely be needed: wedding traditions and more in Zurvan (with much help from Shi). Let's start with the colors and styles:

Style )

Traditions and so forth )

Keep in mind that not all regions celebrate in the same way as on Earth's Western world. For sake of sanity, there are bridesmaids and groomsmen, but no best men or maid of honor. Just individuals who are helping one side or another to prepare. The priest is simply a priest (not Father or anything else).

Religion goes only two ways in Zurvan: one that is monotheistic and the other polytheistic. The monotheistic merely worships the 'One True Lord' where as the polytheistic worships a number of deities, referring to them by what their function is. Such as an underworld/death god would be referred to as the 'S/He Who Takes Us'. For simplicity, it will be acknowledged that the polytheistic religion's deities have flexible gender.

Questions and comments can be put here. ♥