January 5th, 2012



a shaggy beast emerges


Yeah, it was time to bring in a Celtic sort that isn't Arthurian. Meet Cù Sìth. He's not really a black hound. He's dark green. Back in the day, he used to drag off your women to provide milk for fae children.

He will NOT be staying in Glastheim after the whole wedding thing (which he kind of hates solely because it's in Glastheim). He was born and raised in Glastheim but because of circumstances not revealed he was shipped off to Svarga where he was MUCH happier. So, that's right, Vaine and Zeus, he'll come back to you. ♥ That said, please give this pup some CR. Doesn't have to be nice CR, just any CR that works.

NYC's less complicated. Born and raised in Scotland, came to America in his twenties after his family. Terrible with jobs, finally ended up working in a sweet shop.

And, yes, he'll hide your stuff in any life. Bury it. Return it later. Maybe.