July 23rd, 2012



why don't you be the artist and make me out of clay [closed | complete]

Characters: Hebe ([info]ganymeda) & Raven ([info]goquothyourself)
Date/Time: Friday morning
Location: Somewhere in Camelot
Rating: Tame
Warnings: none
Summary: Because running away from your problems is always the best way to deal with them.

why don't you be the writer and decide the words i say )




Characters: Amaterasu ([info]gokuraku), Ra ([info]atnoontide) & Jubokko ([info]vampiretree)
Date/Time: June 20th, night
Location: Ra & Amaterasu's home
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none.
Summary: Jubokko drops by and things come out in the open.

nothing is wrong but, darling, something's in the way )