July 18th, 2012



when god is gone and the devil takes hold [closed | complete ]

Characters: Famine ([info]appetentia) & War ([info]redhorse)
Date/Time: Pre-Zurvan, just post Death's marriage
Location: Their place in Iriy
Rating: These are Horsemen, always PG-13
Warnings: Swearing, incesty implications.
Summary: Fuck marrying archangels.

who will have mercy on your soul )



easing the tension

Characters: Gabriel ([info]messengerofgod) & War ([info]redhorse)
Date/Time: June 17th, directly following this
Location: Their place in Iriy
Rating: PG-13 for hint of sexy tiems
Warnings: Swearing, sort-of cuddling.
Summary: Affection!

easing the tension with love and affection )




Characters: Galahad [[info]galahad] & Percival [[info]percival]
Date/Time: During the start of the peace talks.
Location: Camelot.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
Summary: Galahad and Percival have a chance meeting.

Nothing but aching thoughts )