June 28th, 2012




Characters: Morpheus [[info]morphly] & Merlin [[info]merlyn]
Date/Time: After Tecciztecatl's post about his bunny ♥.
Location: Merlin's chambers.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Drunkeness, Zero and Tea also sound drunk due to sleep deprivation.
Summary: Morpheus and Merlin get drunk leading to a conversation of 'Heimdall is what-?'

I close my eyes the world drops dead )


Characters: Horus ([info]falconhead) and Set ([info]voiceofthunder)
Date/Time: Pre-Zurvan start
Location: Babylon
Rating: Med-High
Warnings: Swearing and implications.
Summary: The new marshal is appointed.

Are we done here? )
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