June 10th, 2012




Characters: Medb ([info]perversely & Lethe ([info]lethe)
Date/Time: June 7
Location: Medb/Raphaela's home
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Post-Rome Raphaela wants her life back to normal, Lethe wants her sister back and makes things worse

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Characters: Hades ([info]ofshadows) & Persephone ([info]anironqueen)
Date/Time: May 31st
Location: Bellevue, Hades' room
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none.
Summary: The Underworld queen visits her returned king.

and all this devotion was rushing out of me )




Characters: Anubis ([info]dogofthedead) & Bastet ([info]sacredfeline)
Date/Time: June 6th
Location: Anubis' home
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none.
Summary: Bastet deals with Anubis being alive again.

you thought I disappeared but I was always here, I could never get that far from you )
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