May 22nd, 2012



come away little lass come away to the water [closed | complete]

Characters: Pan ([info]satyrist) and Syrinx ([info]syrinx)
Location: Pan's villa/home
Rating: C for Creepy
Warnings: ... Pan.
Summary: A little servant girl wanders into Pan's chambers.

we are coming for you )




Characters: Hermes ([info]xpolytropos) and Cassandra ([info]never_mind)
Date/Time: May 20
Location: Hermes's gardens
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: None as of yet.
Summary: Prompted by Morpheus, Cassandra snuck out. Now the only logical thing to do is sneak back in. And possibly get caught sneaking back in.

down the garden path )




Characters: Merlin [[info]merlyn] & Hebe [[info]ganymeda]
Date/Time: A few days ago before the fights were announced.
Location:Their home
Rating: PG
Warnings: None. Pedobear
Summary: Merlin offers Hebe some hope.

i've tried everything to make them see me )


Characters: Barachiel ([info]stormblessed) and Gabriel ([info]messengerofgod)
Location: Ludus
Rating: Low, I'd imagine
Warnings: None thus far
Summary: Barachiel and Gabriel figure out the situation.

So, in a situation where one was supposed to kill or be killed, what was His will? )