May 3rd, 2012




Characters: Morpheus [[info]morphly] & Merlin [[info]merlyn]
Date/Time: After this.
Location: Their apartment.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None. Unless you count Morpheus being grumpy.
Summary: Morpheus won't go to sleep, Merlin is hungover. They're the worst roommates ever.

Waking me up to dreaming reality )




Characters: Polyxena [[info]polyxene] & Arthur [[info]rexquefuturus]
Date/Time: Before event #019.
Location: Coffee shop!
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Just lots of emo.
Summary: This is one of those awkward talks that ends more emo than awkward.

And all our world was stained )


Characters: Theseus ([info]abductorofwomen) and Hera ([info]luwalhati)
Date/Time: Before Event 19
Location: Theseus's place
Rating: Low
Warnings: N/A
Summary: With a hint of nostalgia, Drake and Lena discuss parenting.

used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof, talk about our future like we had a clue )
Tags: ,




Characters: Gwynevere ([info]vivatregina) and Mordred ([info]traitorously)
Date/Time: April 28th, morning
Location: A diner just outside the city
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, sexual insinuations
Summary: Gwyn and Mordred work on their odd friendship

cause i can tell that we are going to be friends~ )