February 27th, 2012


we wield the might sword that cuts through bone [closed/complete]

Characters: Horus [info]falconhead & Patroclus [info]longpastheroics
Date/Time: Backdated to the tail-end of the rebellion in Ilium
Location: A little-walked alleyway
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, character death
Summary: Patroclus is mopping up the pieces while Horus is on recon. It doesn't end well (for Horus).

the wild ending of our dark and feathered friends )




Characters: Morgan ([info]nobreza) & Troilus ([info]apromisedglory)
Date/Time: February 24th
Location: Morgan's rooms, Mictlan
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none.
Summary: The right-hand needs to vent. A soldier is willing to listen.

the knowledge of what is yet to come )