May. 30th, 2012


Who: Nadia and OPEN plus Liam, Hope, Dana, and last but definitely not least, Marcus
When: Afternoon, Thursday, May 7th.
Where: Starting in the street, then off to the hospital
What: The long wait is finally over

Nadia had been feeling restless all day, a strange jittery energy coursing through her. Figuring that she needed some air and a change of scenery, she'd hauled her massive belly off the couch and taken a trip into Mystic Falls, treating herself to a big lunch, (No one even gave her an odd look, which was just one of the perks of being a massively pregnant woman.) and then strolled, well, okay, waddled, through the shopping district, window-shopping.

Even though they'd amassed a huge amount of baby clothes, she couldn't resist buying a few more outfits for them. They were just too adorable. Feeling a little winded, which was unusual for her, Nadia paused by a window to admire a dress, sighing wistfully. She rubbed her belly and addressed its occupants affectionately, "Once you rascals come out, Mommy might be able to actually fit into something like that again... one day."

And that's when she felt it, a sudden gush flowing from her body, "Oh god. Oh god! My water just broke!" She yelled, addressing no one in particular. Then she got a head spin and sunk to the ground, passing out in the street.