Feb. 2nd, 2015


Who: Gwen & Eve
When: Friday Night
Where: The wrong side of the tracks / sidetracked
What: Tempting Eve with a taste of heaven...

This was it. This was the exact spot that the girl had died. An ill-lit gap between two shipping containers beside the railroad tracks. It was so... desolate. Gwen didn't have to guess at what those final, desperate moments had felt like, she'd been there with the girl, experiencing it with her. It had seemed like her attackers had come out of nowhere, grabbing her and sinking their fangs into her throat before she could so much as react.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Gwen moved into the shadows, and crouched down behind some barrels, peering out, to see who was lurking about the area. A statuesque woman with long dark hair came cutting through the gap, pausing and looking around a for a moment before continuing on her way. Gwen waited a few moments before following her, taking to the sky to do so. She had, after all, been a vampire, and was therefore automatically a suspect. The fact that her hair had been long and dark, like that of the unseen assailant in her visions was another mark against the vampiress. A few minutes later, they arrived at their apparent destination, a what appeared to be dive-bar called Sidetr-cked, or Sidetracked, if you counted the faulty letter A which wasn't glowing neon at that moment.

Drawing her wings back in as she landed, Gwen caught sight of her reflection in a darkened pane of window glass, and paused a moment. You could take the girl out of the police force, but it was more difficult to take the police force out of the girl. She took a moment to put on a coat of lipgloss to make her lips enticingly shiny, smudged her crisp eyeliner to smokiness with a fingertip, then released her pale gold hair from its neat french braid, finger combing it to loose waves, and adjusted her clothing to show a little more cleavage. That was better, now she looked less like a cop on the beat, and more like a woman on the prowl. Finally, she drew the pentacle pendant from her pocket and clasped the chain around her neck. Now the trap was well and truly baited. Transformation complete, she entered the bar.

One glance at the interior confirmed it was indeed the seedy establishment that she'd first assumed it to be. She did a slow sweep of the front room, her gaze taking everything - and everyone - in. No vampires, not even the one she'd followed in there. Maybe she'd gone in the back... or out the back. She was about to go check when the woman emerged from the staff room and stepped behind the bar, where she began taking orders. Now that she could see her in full light, Gwen could tell the vampire was stunning. It was little wonder someone had decided to immortalize her.

The vampire woman was working, making cocktails with flourish, and the bar was fairly busy, so Gwen doubted a conversation would be possible, but she could at least make first contact. Running her hand through her hair, she approached the bar. She didn't have to fake the attraction in her gaze as she came face to face with her quarry. "Well hey there..." She allowed her gaze to detour south briefly before looking up to meet her eyes again, "I was just going to get something boring, but after seeing how good you are with your hands, I'm trying to decide between a Screaming Orgasm, and A Long Slow Screw Up Against The Wall... What do you think?"

Apr. 14th, 2013


Looking for trouble in all the right places...

Who: Kat & Eve + NPCs
When: Late Night, Saturday
Where: Underground Club
What: Kat gets herself into a dangerous situation...

Katerina paid the door-bitch her money and got a stamp on her wrist in return. She'd snuck out of Mystic Haven after what was likely to be the final bedcheck, having left a pillow dressed in her PJs in her bed. A little spell she'd cast would hopefully ensure that no one would look too closely at the make-shift dummy.

She checked herself out in a mirrored wall as she walking into the underground club. She wore a corset and short-shorts over fishnets, and tall black boots on her feet, and an enchantment had transformed her frizzy dark curls into a skein of sleek black silk, streaked with vibrant colour. Pleased with the effect, Kat smirked to herself and went to the bar, ordering a drink. It didn't take long for someone to buy her another.

An hour later she was in a secluded corner of the building, making out with some guy whose name she hadn't bothered to remember, when she felt the fangs pierce her neck. She went with it at first - this wasn't her first vamp, she knew they didn't need to take a lot, and experience had taught her that he'd probably give her a taste of his own intoxicating blood in return... Only he didn't stop drinking...

"Hey tiger, I think you've had enough..." Kat told him, trying to squirm out of his grip, push him away, but he only gripped her tighter, sucked harder. She felt herself becoming light-headed, and not from pleasure, "Stop!" She cried out urgently, struggling harder, clawing at him with her long nails, "Let me go! I said stop!"