mutant haven. - October 22nd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
mutant haven.

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October 22nd, 2009

your marriage means nothing to me / i'm totally into adultry (narrative) [Oct. 22nd, 2009|12:27 am]


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"Sir Wisdom!"

As he picked up his pace, King Piotr's baritone voice echoed against the stone walls of the main castle corridor as any servants that had been wander the hall scurried to appear busy or just out of sight in general. They went unnoticed. A smile spread quickly across his face as he approach the knight, nay, his friend and he threw all proper behavior aside as he embraced Sir Wisdom in a great hug, letting go after a few seconds with the smile still on his face.

"Prayed for your safe return and now I see that our gracious Lord has chosen to bless this kingdom once again. Many thanks to Him. I assume that you being before me is a testament that the papers have been delivered safely and soundly?"

It's our secret between just you and me )
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a sorta fairytale with you [NARRATIVE] [Oct. 22nd, 2009|01:47 am]
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The hotel may be secure, but its residents' minds were not.

The passcode to get in had been plucked from the mind of an overactive teenager on their way to the hotel after school. When they made their way into the hotel after the majority of the residents and that night's guests had retired, illusion cloaked their entry. The residents that were awake felt the sudden need to sleep and if they were lucky, they got to the mattress before they fell unconscious.

With the young mutants in the hotel at their mercy, the sisters Wyngarde did a brief telepathic sweep of the grounds, making sure no one had been immune to their wiles and remained awake. Jason Wyngarde and Manuel de la Rocha followed before the four toured the hotel, setting up their operations in the abandoned penthouse on the top floor.

Once upon a time... )
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INVITATION! [Oct. 22nd, 2009|02:28 am]

[ If you are of the upper levels of the social classes of any kingdom, you would have received the following invitation, as well as one to the tournament. ]

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log: sir warren and sir julio [Oct. 22nd, 2009|03:54 am]


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summary: Sir Julio's been acting strangely since coming back from a quest in Summerisle. His cousin, the charming and brash Sir Warren, tries to rouse him from his malaise with promises and threats of dragging his ass to the tournament in Summerisle for one last good time before the knights leave on their Grail quest.

You will ride with us to Summerisle, even if I have to tie you to your horse myself. )
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narrative: the tale of the pirate's daughter. [Oct. 22nd, 2009|11:27 am]
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The origins of the dread pirate Lila and how she came to captain a ship called the Star Chaser after her father's death. )
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i'm alone, yeah, i'm feeling lost [narrative] [Oct. 22nd, 2009|02:34 pm]


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Attached to a tree deep in the forests of the Savage Lands... )
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narrative: in which a queen sets her sights on a new husband [Oct. 22nd, 2009|02:43 pm]
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"It would be highly advisable, that is, your gracious lovely one, we think it best if you were to, uh..."

Queen Lorna's patience was running thin, all the advisers in the world and she had to be stuck with a group who completely lacked any backbone. They didn't even have one to share between the five of them. If they weren't careful they were going to find themselves out of a job, and missing a head. Occasionally she was quite content to listen to her minions babble platitudes and indeed took great joy in their obvious fear of her. However that was not the case this afternoon. Her mood was worse than usual, her back hurt from sitting upright for so long and she was beginning to get very, very bored. The only thought which cheered her at the moment was the knowledge that the old man who had offended her so terribly was now on his way to pay his respects to Prince Victor. A smile pulled at her lips for the briefest of seconds, before her attention returned to the idiot in front of her and Queen Lorna rolled her eyes, "Oh for heaven's sake man, out with it."

Wethinkyoushouldgetmarried. )
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narrative: father torn from daughter [Oct. 22nd, 2009|02:58 pm]
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"We've come to collect your father..."


The young girl launched herself from the door of the cottage she shared with her father. Her pale fingers gripped the soldier's tunic and she pulled, desperate. There had been no warning, no gossip in their little village – usually, when people started disappearing, there would be rumors, whispers from Queen Lorna's palace that eventually trickled down into the surrounding area of her kingdom. Frightening though it was, it was common. Rahne had simply never imagined, not in a hundred years, that it would happen to her.

"Please, sir, I beg you, let him go! Or if you will not, tell me what he is charged with!"

The guard gave little more than an irritated grunt in return; a rough shake of his arm and she was stumbling back against the cottage steps. A gauntleted hand gripped her tight about the forearm and another soldier's gruff face glared down at her. Rahne whimpered in pain.

"Rahne, no!" her papa cried. "Please -- please, do what you wish with me, only leave her be!"

"Shut yer trap, old loon!" the guard shouted before glowering at Rahne once more. She shrank back as best as he could as he spoke to her, "Now, listen, girl and listen well. You won't be seeing your papa for a long while. Best get used to it and, if you know what's good for you, you won't go poking your nose in where it doesn't belong."

He released Rahne's arm, shoving her back a few steps. The guard as his fellows threw her father into the back of the horse-drawn wagon and, with a crack of the whip, they were off.

"Papa!" Rahne bolted after the wagon, even as it drew further and further away. "PAPA!'
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narrative: some day my prince will come [Oct. 22nd, 2009|03:04 pm]
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"She's a very lovely girl. Hair as red as fire, skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood... wait, no. Sorry. I'm mixing them up now." It was awfully hard to keep things straight, after all, given the fact that she had two sleeping princesses on her hands. And that wasn't even counting the bestial princes, with whom she didn't even know where to start. Things had certainly changed in the Savage Lands since the Queen of Hearts had usurped the throne. Oh how she longed for the days when her most challenging task was simple transfiguration and enchantment. She rather missed turning wolves into men and making brooms sweep floors themselves. "Briar Rose is the most beautiful girl in all the world, she has the wit of an angel, moves with the most wonderful grace..." The fairy godmother trailed off when she realised the prince looked even less impressed than he had when she'd first pitched the idea to him. Clearly she was going about this all wrong.

Dropping down onto the ground beside him, she looked imploringly at the admittedly rather plain, perhaps even ugly, prince. "Look, all you have to do is kiss her. I won't even hold you to a betrothal. I promise." There was a long pause, and the fairy godmother thought for a few seconds that she might actually have found the one, and then the silence was broken by a 'ribbit'. Followed by a rather strange throaty sound.

"Oh. You really are just a frog aren't you?" she said mournfully.
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(text messages to aurora) [Oct. 22nd, 2009|03:20 pm]



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log: myles and morgan. [Oct. 22nd, 2009|03:55 pm]
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summary.A bright summer's day turns sour when Myles suddenly changes.

The rose in the valley is blooming so sweet, and angels descend there the children to greet. )
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It's a great huge game of chess that's being played -- all over the world [narrative] [Oct. 22nd, 2009|04:44 pm]
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It had been a great adventure, falling through the looking glass, playing tricks on the king, and now she was in the loveliest! of gardens. It hadn't taken her long to strike up a conversation with the flowers, not at all enjoying their conversation, except for the part where she was told there was another flower like her in the garden.

Another girl like me! )
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off to see the wizard; a thread cut for length [Oct. 22nd, 2009|05:45 pm]
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It was true, Tatiana was not in Kansas anymore. She had learned that when her home was swept away by a vast tornado tossing her here and there. She had learned even more so still when that house landed upon a wicked witch granting her silver slippers. The brave young girl was now a hero to a people called the munchkins, blessed with a kiss by a good witch, and wished ill by another wicked witch for the death of her sister.

All she wanted was to go home. A way home.

Follow the yellow brick road.
They had said.
Follow the yellow brick road.
You're off to see the wizard. You're off to see the wizard!

So follow it she did. )
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log: alex of summerisle and will shatterstar [Oct. 22nd, 2009|07:00 pm]


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summary: Meanwhile in Summerisle, Will Shatterstar of the Merry Men has been also acting strangely for no discernible reason. After he has a recklessly close call with the Sheriff of Rottingham and then wanders away from the men's celebration that evening, Alex follows him into the woods to ask what's wrong and be a friend.

It's as though I finally found everything that I've been fighting for. And now it's been taken from me. )
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thread: yo ho ho! [Oct. 22nd, 2009|08:55 pm]
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The skies were clear and the sea was calm. A nearly-full moon hung over the Star Chaser had secured her anchor on the sea floor. Today was a good day; today they foiled Artie Pan and his Lost Boys. Any mark they were able to make against them brightened Captain Lila Cheney's heart. In this instance, Lila had procured the two ladies important to the Lost Boys and in an unusual move, she offered them a life on her ship. And just as she had offered it, she left them to their own devices, to let them think over her offer and wander the ship unhindered.

It wasn't like how they could get far, jumping overboard. They were too far from land and in shark-infested waters.

Now most of the crew had taken to their bunks or private quarters. Captain Lila could be found on the main deck of the caravel, a lantern set by her boots. With her was her bosun Molly, that orphan she rescued from port years ago. She tapped her heel against the wood and clapped her hands while the younger girl belted out tunes of the sea. Lila was in rare form, not the tyrant portrayed by the Lost Boys nor how the rest of her lady crew perceived her -- she was smiling and occasionally singing along at her favorite parts while their two voices carried over the empty deck.

[ Captain Lila, Bo'sun Molly, Sally Darling, Princess Heather ]
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making anything new, only breaks something else; [Oct. 22nd, 2009|09:42 pm]
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Sir Lillian had an uncanny way of avoiding injury.

Rumours said she was blessed, that swords glanced off her and arrows splintered against her skin. In all honesty Lillian was about as in the dark as everyone else was when it came to her apparent ability to remain unscathed through many a battle. Perhaps she was blessed; perhaps seeking out the grail had always been a part of her destiny. Some would say it was in her blood; her grandfather had been a knight and obsessed with the grail though he had never found it himself, and now he was gone as too were her parents and she was the last of their family. It gave her little comfort to know that had her parents survived they might have been proud of her and all that she had achieved, her father at least, she shuddered to imagine what her mother might have thought. A Lady Knight was hardly the path she had intended her daughter to take, after all. )
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