March 3rd, 2011

[info]devilsdaughter in [info]museprompts

Muse/Fandom: Christina Nickson/Point Pleasant
Prompt: 3. Do you believe in God?
Word Count: 432
Open to roleplay: Yes!

I know that God exists... )

[info]lane in [info]museprompts

Prompt #2 - Are you afraid of the dark?

Muse/Fandom: Lois Lane/Smallville.
Prompt: 2. Are you afraid of the dark?
Word Count: 276.
Open to roleplay: Sure.

Excuse the ramble that follows. )

[info]thenidied in [info]museprompts

Slight spoilers for series 3 of Being Human )

Muse/Fandom: Annie Sawyer/being Human
Prompt: What's your worst character flaw?
Word Count: 436
Open to roleplay Absolutely

[info]isabel_giovanni in [info]museprompts

Worst Character Flaw

Muse/Fandom: Isabel Giovanni/World of Darkness
Prompt: 1. Worst Character Flaw
Word Count: 257

I am undead. )

[info]klepto_demon in [info]museprompts

Muse/Fandom: Veronica Haile/Original
Prompt: #3. Do You Believe in God?
Word Count: 294
Open to roleplay: Yes

There are two gods, and they both suck )