Apr. 6th, 2011


What is your weapon of choice?

Muse/Fandom: Ambrogino Giovanni/ World of Darkness
Prompt: 8. What is your weapon of choice?
Word Count: 358

( Ah, weapons. Ever since Caine first did in Abel, humanity has been fascinated with developing satisfying methods for killing off one another. )

Mar. 5th, 2011


Are you afraid of the dark?

Muse/Fandom: Ambrogino Giovanni/ World of Darkness
Prompt: 2. Are you afraid of the dark?
Word Count: 113
Open to roleplay: Sì, here.

No, but I have it on good authority that the dark is afraid of me. )

Mar. 2nd, 2011


What is your worst character flaw?

Muse/Fandom: Ambrogino Giovanni/ World of Darkness
Prompt: 1. Worst Character Flaw
Word Count: 267
Open to roleplay: Sì, here.

I have not yet achieved Godhood. )