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[01 Dec 2012|11:25am]
Looking for a home for Cas and his only friend, an OC Slayer.

They were left all alone, the only survivors of a battle which killed, Dean and Sam Winchester, Faith Lehane and the rest of their circle.

Me and my writing partner would love to find Dean, Sam and anyone else from the show. Not really looking for anyone from Buffy other than Faith and Spike but anyone at all from Supernatural would be great. Bonus points to anyone who'd be willing to write Dean back in his relationship with the Slayer.

We'd be open for all sorts of other ideas/lines etc too. If you have any ideas, please don't be afraid to pitch them to us - we'd just love to get these two out into the world again.
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House of Many Doors - A multi-fandom game [01 Dec 2012|04:14pm]

House of Many Doors


When you cross a threshold ...

Point System
On a sandy beach stands a house that looks slightly out of place. Over the years, this house has changed, leading to jokes that it’s alive. After all, no one lives there. No handymen are ever seen around it. But the house never seems to look faded or old or in poor repair.

What if it isn’t a joke?

No one understands how, no one can explain it, but the house is quite alive. It can change itself at will, and within this house are doors to other worlds and other houses that exist there, though those houses are not alive.

With sentience, the house has discovered boredom, and loneliness. It has also discovered how to use its power to make not just the doors to its counterparts gateways, but every door in these worlds. Unconstrained by the trivialities of time, any door in any era can lead to this house … so look before you cross a threshold …

[ viewing | December 1st, 2012 ]
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