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Apr. 12th, 2009



Be weary of the Putties. They're not that smart, but they're strong and will destroy everything and everyone in their path without a single thought. i doubt they're even capable of it

If you can't fight, don't try to take them. Leave this to us Power Rangers.

Feb. 14th, 2009



Okay. Ranger head count, anyone? Say here if you're a Ranger! And spare me the Rangers' Code of Honor, it doesn't matter when dealing with just us, just Rangers. This is locked to us and us only, so no one is going to see if you're so determined to keep your identity safe - which is cool with me, because honestly? If I could take back the moment where I revealed I was a Power Ranger to the world, I would. In a heartbeat.

Feb. 13th, 2009


Filtered against baddies.

So...the earthquake? Nobody died right? If they did, hopefully they'd ask for my help. Then I can go back and, well save them and warn everyone about the earthquake.

I work in a morgue back home, so if there are any bodies about, I don't mind...dealing with them.


Filtered to Dr Oliver

Hey. You felling okay?

Jan. 1st, 2009


Y2K was nothing to get worked up over the first time I went through the 1999-2000 change over and what do you know, it went over the same exact way the second time. No major systems shut down, no accidentally launching missiles at a country we're getting along with.

How boring.

Dec. 12th, 2008



So, what's this I hear about you two being different?

Nov. 30th, 2008


In more ways than one, this place hasn't changed a bit.

Nov. 1st, 2008


Um, since when is it 1999?


[OOC: The comments may contain spoilers for season three of Heroes]

Oct. 31st, 2008


Um, this is new.


You'd think I'd be used to this by now.

[ooc: Obviously posted after she's alive again and hanging about the Astro Megaship.]

Oct. 30th, 2008


Okay, seriously. I'm so tired of time displacement. Why is it always me?

Oct. 29th, 2008


Call me crazy, or whatever you want, but I could have sworn I was in Ocean Bluff two seconds ago. Trippy.

... and what exactly are those gray things running around? They sound odd. Why am I reminded of the Rinshi?



It seems there's a lot of Rangers that have gotten pulled into this mess. I, myself, am one of them. I won't name names for any of the others, as the decision to reveal your identity, even to another Ranger, is a choice you have to make for yourself, but due to my experience with this city and the villains that plague it, I'm going to do so for myself. My name is Dr. Tommy Oliver and to make a long story short, I'm one of the original Rangers from 1993. I was the Green Ranger, then the White Ranger, but I don't have either of those powers anymore, nor do I belong to this time. It's supposed to be 2004 for me, not 1999, so I am as much a victim of this situation as the rest of you.

What I can tell you is that the Putty Patrollers aren't as tuff as they seem. They're annoying and put up a decent fight, but are relatively easy to take down individually. It's their numbers and them ganging up on you that's difficult. These were the minions of Rita Repulsa...which doesn't make any sense, since Rita's evil doing days are over. aren't they?

Don't underestimate whatever's going on here. Whoever's doing this knows what they're doing.


Hey, Bridge? When you type "buttery", do you do it with one hand while you wiggle your fingers with the other?

Oct. 28th, 2008


Someone want to tell me why I'm suddenly back in Angel Grove?


....huh? This wasn't where I was before.


Okay, one thing.


This isn't New York!


What the--

How did I get back in Angel Grove? And why does this computer still have Windows 98 on it? This library needs to look into upgrading to XP and getting off of dial-up something fierce.



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