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Mar. 9th, 2009


So, since I'm technically like. Graduated at this point? (Even though I'm still 16. I'm still trying to figure out how that works.) I'm trying to figure out what to do with my time. Going to school is kind of moot cause I apparently...withdrew. And I'm so not ready for college.

I guess I could get a job. I'm not exactly qualified for anything.

Anybody need a buyer? I'm good at that.

Maybe I can teach an aerobics class or something.

Mar. 1st, 2009


I got a job! ;D For all your foodly needs come see me at the surf spot! I'm a good cook, promise! Now if only I had R.I.C. to clean up the messes..

Feb. 21st, 2009


Anyone needs me I'll just be quietly elsewhere, out of the way. With some kind of large book.

At least reading I can't mess up

Feb. 19th, 2009



Alright, Rangers, from the results of my headcount a few days ago, the following Rangers are currently active:
• Blue Wind Ranger
• Blue Zeo Ranger
• Black Ranger
• Pink Ranger
• Pink SPD Ranger
• Red Dino Ranger
• Red Space Ranger
• Red SPD Ranger
• Red Zeo Ranger
• Yellow Dino Ranger
• Yellow Ranger
• Yellow Space Ranger
• Violet Wolf Ranger
If I know your identity, I haven't listed it, for whether or not you want other Rangers to know who you are out of costume is your decision and not mine to make for you. What I need to know is, which of you would like to be spokes-rangers on our behalf? Those who do, I'll make an announcement to the whole city about who they can try and contact in an emergency and stuff like that.

Another issue? Organization. We're all Rangers, but we all come from different teams. We need to get together and work out how we're going to work together. There are many things we need to do that not only include protecting this city, but figuring out what is going on here. The people want to know how they got here and it's time we started trying to find out.

Feb. 13th, 2009


Filtered to Bridge

I'm sorry.

[Evil!Tori is no longer evil, yay!]

Jan. 31st, 2009


Uh, so, hi all! I'm looking for a guy named Bridge, nice guy, likes toast? If anyone knows of his whereabouts around here, can you give me a holler?

...wherever here is?

Jan. 10th, 2009


filtered to allies

...I wonder if I can absorb it. Without building anything to trap the evil energy in. I've never tried it, but if I can see it, why shouldn't I be able to take it?

Jan. 9th, 2009


I don't feel so hot.

Jan. 1st, 2009


Y2K was nothing to get worked up over the first time I went through the 1999-2000 change over and what do you know, it went over the same exact way the second time. No major systems shut down, no accidentally launching missiles at a country we're getting along with.

How boring.


On the plus side, the world didn't end, so no to that crazy apocalypse theory. But, on the other apocalypse is still possible given the time displaced people that are still here and people who are supposed to be good jumping ship to the other side.

Happy New Year 2000, anyway. Whoop-dee-doo.

Dec. 27th, 2008


[Filtered to allies]
...something needs to be done.

I'm tired of sitting around and doing nothing, being angry all the time. My research has been lacking lately, I know. But now all I care about is finding whatever it is that' keeping Tori everyone evil and destroying it. If we do that..then the hold should disappear, right?

You and me need to talk.

Dec. 14th, 2008


[Filtered to Bridge]

[ooc: Posted following the events of THIS. Yeah, it's not finished yet, but he's in a mood, and I had to post. lol]

You. Me. Outside. NOW.

Dec. 10th, 2008


Tori..something happened to Tori. And Kira..they're..I don't know what to do

That same thing that's wrong with Tori is probably wrong with Kira and who knows who else. this is a nightmare

...I feel strange. Everything hurts.

Dec. 9th, 2008


Well, wasn't that interesting.


The colors are off..thought you should know..


[ooc: yes, Bridge would write out emoticons in his journals.]

Dec. 2nd, 2008


[ooc: Sometime after this.]

I think I have a girlfriend.

At least... that's what she said.

Nov. 22nd, 2008



I've been slacking in my research lately to get home, because something's been on my mind. Someone What do you do when you can't get them- I mean it out? They It shouldn't be there but they are..

Nov. 18th, 2008


I miss home. Can I go back yet? Even R.i.C. and the way he would sometimes just catch on fire at the most inappropriate times.

EDIT: I also miss my bath book. I bet Sky's reading it without me right now..


There's a part of me that can't believe that just happened.

But then there's another part of me that does, and makes me wish it would happen again.

I may not be in Kansas anymore, but this is the best week of my life.

Nov. 13th, 2008


Guess who has a column at the Angel Grove Gazette?

In case you're still wondering, it's me, Chloe Sullivan! I'm going to be writing about my experiences as one of the temporally displaced in the city, the people I encounter and so on. Don't worry, if you're one of those people, your identity will be kept completely confidential, especially if you can tack Ranger onto the end of your name.

Anyone up for an interview?

[ooc: FYI, I totally looked up the newspapers in Angel Grove. The Gazette came up most often.]

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