Feb. 3rd, 2009


Ugh, of all the places in the world I just have to end up in one that doesn't have a decent tanning salon.

Or a decent hair salon.

Or a decent up scale bar that also has bottled blood.

What do people do around here anyways?

Jan. 5th, 2009


I am so...


The shopping here sucks. So does the food.

So, who here is a night owl?

Dec. 15th, 2008


Mother, I can understand that you're annoyed over the Wilson thing, but it's not my fault. He was boring! And there was zero connection! I'm not going to spend eternity with someone just so you can have grandchildren. Selfish cow! It just wasn't going to work out, he and I were a big no-no. So shipping me off to the middle of no where is a bit extreme okay, maybe not knowing you.

You could have at least left me where there was a Prada store! And somewhere where I can get a bottle of B positive. I am so hungry!

Dec. 3rd, 2008


Possible Heroes spoilers in comments.

Nov. 18th, 2008


So did anyone else come here on their own, or did most of you just ...show up here?


I miss home. Can I go back yet? Even R.i.C. and the way he would sometimes just catch on fire at the most inappropriate times.

EDIT: I also miss my bath book. I bet Sky's reading it without me right now..

Nov. 17th, 2008


Is anything being done about getting these people back to where they belong. I know these Power Rangers are supposedly on top of it, but a little proof of progress would be appreciated. And, I wouldn't entirely rule out magic and the supernatural as a cause--you'd be surprised how often it's one of those two and not some...sub-space anomaly or whatever you want to call it.

Nov. 1st, 2008


Just out of curiosity, is there anyone here who isn't one of these...Ranger people?

And does anyone know the way to the nearest butcher shop?


Um...what the hell?

Oct. 29th, 2008


This isn't my desk.

Or my computer.

...and I wasn't in a library a second ago.

Oct. 28th, 2008
