Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - February 8th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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February 8th, 2009

[Feb. 8th, 2009|06:33 pm]
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Who: Spike and Open :)
When: Day 31 morning
What: Spike gets a snack..
Rating: PG or lower so far.
Status: Incomplete

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I Left My Home, I Left My Love, I Left My Faith Back There. [Feb. 8th, 2009|07:40 pm]
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[Current Music |Casey Chambers- "Rattlin' Bones"]

[Who]: L and Laura
[When]: Day 31, Afternoon
[What]: L isn't bored, but wants to hang out with Laura anyway. She's that cool~
[Rating]: PG for now, for likely deep thoughts.
[Status]: Technically open, though they'll likely be forced!polite to anyone else who shows up, lol

Till they bury me down, beneath the ground, with the dust and rattlin' bones )
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