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[Filter: Celts]

Home again, home again.

With that being said, we should discuss who will be representing us on this joint-pantheon search.

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Looks like someone remembered my birthday. Do I dare accept gifts from strange deities?

Ebony's Blog

A Christian Nation.

That is what the FFCF and it's leader are constantly calling the USA. A Christian Nation. It's figurehead, Mimi Osmond, has been bashing the American public over the head with this message so hard and so often, I wonder if that's how she thinks she'll get people to believe her. And in truth, I think she has the right idea. For an educated populace to suddenly toss out the facts of history, disregarding it completely, brain damage seems like the best method.

The current "Threat To America", the apparent reappearance of Old World gods, has the FFCF and other groups like it, up in a tizzy. The need to reaffirm that this is a Christian Nation has become absolutely vital with their arrival. And that's because we, the American People, have no business believing in "False Gods".

We are a sinful country, and we stray from the right path. But not to worry! We have groups like the FFCF that are around to guide us back to the proper path. Whether we believe in it or not.

Forget Freedom of Religion. Forget that the Founding Father's of our nation explicitly stated that religion has no place in government. After all, who actually read the Treaty of Tripoli? Just because it's archived in D.C. doesn't mean John Adams' statement that "the government of the United States, is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" is something we should pay attention to. And that Thomas Jefferson fellow was probably just having a laugh when he wrote that "our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinion."

To believe this nonsense is just a stretch. Let's look back to the Equinox. If there was a time for "God" to bring down his wrath, don't you think that would have been the time? If it really bothered "God" that all these various deities were popping up, he probably would have done something about it then. Wouldn't he?

Or, perhaps, my free thinkers, the concept of Freedom of Religion was just handed to us on a silver platter. Deities from multiple old religions were revealed. How earth shattering it must be to learn that, as much as you tried to brow beat it in to us that there is only ONE god, you are absolutely wrong. These people are scrambling to pick up the pieces of their cracked glass house.

So when it comes down to it, the FFCF and other groups like it are absolutely terrified of losing their power base. Wouldn't you be too, if every god, but the one you've spent thousands of years forcing people to worship through various methods, suddenly showed up and waved hello? Osmond claims the Wrath of God is upon us. What is really upon us is a revolution of thought. The way we perceive the world is changing. Mystery is coming back into the world. The real question is, how will we approach it; with curiosity or with fear?

winter_queen [userpic]

Those who intend to travel to Ireland make yourselves known here. Summer is drawing to a close and that does have an effect on availability. Sooner is preferable to later.

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metemmods [userpic]
Attention, All Godlings

Hello, Godlings. Have you all been playing nicely together? I do hope so. You'll need to.

You've done well otherwise so far. Finding your lost treasures. But those won't be enough. There is more to find.

[Filter: Celts]
A secret has been lost in Eire, and it sings where the living voices went silent.

[Filter: Egyptians]
Once your blood ran through the veins of kings, and their power remains there buried. Find it, and it is yours again.

[Filter: Greeks]
Westward where the son of Troy, and the children of Venus and Mars brought forth their power, a piece remains.

[Filter: Hindu]
Far in the East, near where warriors come forth from the earth, a touch of power remains. Its music can make you dance again.

[Filter: Judeo-Christians]
You must seek the song in the wilderness again to find the lost power, far to the Devil's own continent.

[Filter: Norse]
The mountains hold secrets again, high in the clouds, but you must go south to seek the power that was lost. It sings in the shadow of the lost city.


Remember. You must strike while the time is hot. Let it grow cool, and it may slip through your fingers.

[Phone call to Ogma] Late late late evening of the 19th

I'm sorry to call so late, but something just happened I think I should tell you about.

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Alan Cleary ǂ Ogma [userpic]

Hey, Mab!

That thing you wanted me to pick up? I have it. Snuck it home in my suitcase. Best souvenir ever. But, I'm guessing it should go to its promised new home.

Anyway, I'll be sending the kids to New York to spend their annual two weeks with my parents starting this weekend, so if you have free time, you're welcome to visit.

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Alan Cleary ǂ Ogma [userpic]

[Filtered to Lilith; also visible to Celts]

Hey, don't forget, we'll be arriving tomorrow morning at 9:30. Can't wait to see you and the rest of the family.

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Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: The Boxtops - The Letter
enosichthon [userpic]

School should be over. Which means the brat has gone into reading stupid shit for the summer. Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters? She couldn't come up with a worse slap then that? I thought I taught her better than that.

Maybe it is a shame I broke her mother. I had somewhere else to ship her off after school let out.

Current Mood: bitchy
winter_queen [userpic]
[Filter: Celts] Again

The wards are removed from the book. I thought you all would like to be informed.

However, I cannot read it, as I suspected. Ogma, I want to put this book in your hands immediately. It is nearly June. I assume you are available.

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Discovery of the week: You're not allowed to sign for packages in blood. Even if it's the only thing you have on hand.

Ha Ha Ha.

Current Mood: devious

[The first thing visible is Tanner's smile, as he's a little too close to the camera, still trying to adjust it as it blinks on. He bites his lip for a moment, looking for the little light indicating that it is indeed on, and once he finds it, he gently settles himself back into his computer chair.]

Hi. [He smiles, shyly. His face overtaken with a hint of pink.] I'm Tanner. You might know me as...[He stops, and worries his lip between his teeth a little, looking decently self conscious by now.] Ganymede.

I've looked through the other posts here and some of them are really-[He stops again, and just shakes his head.] Um. But...I think I kind of get the gist of this place? I'm not sure. [He shrugs.] But I figured I'd make a video post, because I...don't think I'd know how to introduce myself just typing. [There's a bit of a giggle.] It doesn't...carry tone well, you know? And I wanted to be friendly.

So, hi! [He waves, and smiles brightly at the camera, before winking, and cutting the feed.]

Current Mood: cheerful

Well, this is certainly not how I saw my day going. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a joke, but when it hinders my job it becomes..irritating. So could someone kindly explain what is going on here?

Alan Cleary ǂ Ogma [userpic]

I tell you, even if you're a god, there's something about turning 40 that just makes you feel like a geezer.

But, I got a nice (if kind of strange) arrangement sent to me, so it's not that bad.

Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Paul McCartney - When I'm 64
Alan Cleary ǂ Ogma [userpic]

Hey, tomorrow is Arbor Day! So, go and spread some love of the trees. Plant one, care for one, go visit one. Trees are awesome.

Current Mood: chipper

Uhmm... Hello? So, I got this email, and here I am.
I don't know if I've missed a worldwide memo here or something, because I have no idea what this is. I mean, I get a lot of anonymous mail—you know, fan mail, proposals, and such—but this is creeping me out more than usual. I must have also missed some technological advancement, since I'm pretty sure printers had to be turned on before they spewed out papers.

Just to make things clear, I'm Nathaniel Gallagher, age 21, male model yes, contain your orgasms.
Again, if anyone could kindly explain the situation, I'd be very much entitled to rewarding someone with a nice dinner or a glass of wine.

winter_queen [userpic]
[Filter: Celts]

Gentlemen, I feel ample time has been given for the proverbial dust to settle. What news do you have for me?

metemmods [userpic]
Heard on the News...

In Washington

"...yes, I absolutely believe that these... things are a menace to America. Their very existence is an attack on the American Bill of Rights, forcing millions of Americans to be told that their beliefs are wrong. And that just cannot be allowed. We need to set up watchgroups. At the very least, we need to identify, tag and monitor them. They could come from anywhere at any time, and God only knows what havoc they can cause."

--Roger Warren, Head of the Joint Chiefs of staff, at a press conference.

In Alabama

"...Well, it is simply un-Christian for these people to be saying and doing what they are! Trying to put themselves before God and Jesus! Affecting our weather patterns and causing miracles? We here at the Foundation promise that we will fight to put an end to all this, so help us God!"

--Mimi Osmond, leader of the Foundation for Christian Families

Alan Cleary ǂ Ogma [userpic]

[Filter: Celts]

I supposed you'd want to know about this sooner rather than later.

Lilith came to see me on the Equinox. I'll assume you don't need to hear the details. In any case, she called me yesterday... She's pregnant. With my child.

It's still very early, but at this point, she's planning to keep the baby. I've promised to do whatever I can as a responsible father.

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[Phone Call to Ogma]

[She's been working up to this for more than a day. She'd reach for the phone then, talk herself out of it with this or that excuse. But Esther had been right. She had to tell him sometime. So finally, she dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.]

Hey. It's me.

[She tried to sound as upbeat as possible, not giving her nervousness away, except maybe in the slight shortness of her breathing. If he was even listening that closely.]

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