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Back September 19th, 2013 Forward
Amanda Rose Keefe ღ Erato [userpic]

Hey, guys, I know it's been a quiet month so far, and a fair part of that has been me being really slow on responding. Work has been really taking a lot out of me with some of the projects we've been doing (I pulled a 15-hour workday on Monday that was almost pure physical labor), and I've just been way too exhausted to tag and set things up like I should have. I know I've got another big project at the end of this month, among others, so I am marking myself on a hiatus through the first week of October just in case I don't have it in me to pull a blitz (especially with the next mod reset being the 30th of the month). That's not to say I'm not going to TRY to post--I just want to be sure I'm covered under a worst-case scenario.

That said, I've already been speaking with Mod Paul, and I'm not going to let any of you be punished AC-wise just because I'm not able to cut it. I appreciate your understanding!

In the meantime, though, if you haven't yet participated in the most recent plotting meme, make sure you do so!

And we're still looking for a volunteer to be October's Player of the Month! Just comment below or contact a mod if you're interested in that! ♥

Back September 19th, 2013 Forward