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[Aug. 8th, 2013|12:56 am]

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Characters: Nyx, Percival, Titania
Date/Time: Saturday, August 10th
Location: SCA Meet-up, NY
Rating: maybe PG
Warnings: None

When knights go a-knighting )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2013|04:43 pm]

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Characters: Bes, Erato, Bes' mortal family
Date/Time: The weekend of August 2nd through August 4th
Location: The Hobson homestead in Columbus OH
Rating: G, I'm sure
Summary: Bes surprises his family with a whole bunch of things.

He was nervous but not for the reasons you would think... )
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Come and See How It's Grown. [Jul. 31st, 2013|02:18 pm]
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Characters: Persephone and Hades (And Lilli)
Date/Time: July 31
Location: South San Francisco
Rating: PG at most
Summary: Family gardening

Seph had tended not to let Lilli leave a member of the family's sight for some time. Right now, they were working in the garden, which was, to the surprise of absolutely no one, looking spectacular, both in terms of flowers nad vegetables.
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[Jul. 30th, 2013|10:28 pm]

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Characters: Aphrodite and Oberon
Date/Time: Starting Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Location: Los Angeles
Rating: ....Probably a minimum of PG. Could easily go much higher.
Warnings: TBD
Summary: A newly minted Greek Queen and the Faerie King! What could possibly go wrong?

I knew you were trouble when you walked in... )
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[Jul. 27th, 2013|11:17 pm]

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Characters: Mab and Bres
Date/Time: July 27th
Location: Georgia!
Rating: Look she has a goal here, so I'm just going to label this R right now.
Warnings: I labeled it R
Summary: Mab is having adjustment issues with the new influx to her pantheon.

Take me out tonight )
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[Jul. 26th, 2013|01:25 am]

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Characters: Puck and Titania
Date/Time: July 26th, 2013
Location: NYC
Rating: Probably PG. Maybe higher.
Warnings: None yet. Puck will surely think of something, though.
Summary: Newly-mortal Puck is reuniting with Titania.

What's This? )
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[Jul. 26th, 2013|01:01 am]

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Characters: Aphrodite and Ares
Date/Time: Starting July 26, 2013
Location: Montana
Rating: Minimum of PG, due to language and such. Could easily go much higher.
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Ares and Aphrodite reunite for the weekend!

I miss everything about you )
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And tonight I know it all has to begin again... [Jul. 21st, 2013|12:05 pm]

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Characters: Loki and Sigyn
Date/Time: A few days after the Faery incident
Location: Sigyn's modest studio apartment
Rating: PG-13 for the time being
Warnings: We'll let you know.
Summary: Sigyn is reasonably shook up after the hallucination from the fae, and having lost her job upon return. What's the logical thing to do? Ask to see Loki.

So whatever you do, don't let go. )
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[Jul. 19th, 2013|10:53 pm]

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Characters: Puck and Mab
Date/Time: July 13th, 2013, just after the kids' rescue
Location: Chicago
Rating: TBD, but... maybe PG-13?
Warnings: Dunno yet. Puck freaking out?
Summary: Puck follows Mab to Chicago, and gets a nasty surprise.

I can feel this body dying all around me )
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[Jul. 16th, 2013|01:50 am]

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Characters: Hanuman and Sita
Date/Time: June 29th
Location: Berkeley
Rating: PG?
Warnings: Likely none
Summary: Hanuman shows up to take Sita out for one of their regular dinners.

Read more... )
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[Jul. 15th, 2013|02:05 am]

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Characters: Hephaestus and Titania
Date/Time: July 13th
Location: NYC, starting at JFK and moving onto Manhattan
Rating: R. Very R.
Warnings: Bad puns, silly teasing, good sex.
Summary: Hephaestus heads to NYC to unwind and his hostess is the Seelie Queen herself.

At least this time it wasn't a consultation bound by the tick of the clock and the ethics of a medical board... )
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[Jul. 1st, 2013|12:34 am]
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Characters: Athena, Illusionary NPCs and eventually Triton
Date/Time: Midsummer event
Location: Faerie
Rating: PG
Warnings: Sadness!
Summary: Athena's temptation.

Don't make me say goodbye )
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[Jun. 30th, 2013|11:24 pm]

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Characters: Kali and the Hindus. Open to others.
Date/Time: Midsummer 2013
Location: Faerie
Rating: Minimum of PG-13, thanks to Kali's salty mouth.
Warnings: Definitely language. Maybe violence.
Summary: Kali and her group are on the hunt!

The price must be paid... )
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[Jun. 30th, 2013|11:10 pm]

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Characters: Dite and Heph, open to rescuers
Date/Time: June 23rdish
Location: Faerie
Rating: TBD--depends on where this goes.
Warnings: None yet.
Summary: It seems like another usual evening for the two of them.

Like deja-vu all over again... )
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[Jun. 29th, 2013|02:16 pm]
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Characters: Seth, Open to Egyptians
Date/Time: Midsummer 2013
Location: Faerie
Rating: R
Warnings: Language, Astarte's nudity
Summary: Seth rules the Egyptian world.

Chaos Reigns )
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[Jun. 29th, 2013|01:39 am]
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Characters: Dionysus and figments of his imagination, open to rescuers
Date/Time: Midsummer 2013
Location: Faerie
Rating: R at least
Warnings: Liquor, nudity, profanity, sexuality, possible violence
Summary: The Wine God falls into a trap set perfectly for him. Absolutely no one is surprised.

Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we...drink and be merry some more. )
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[Jun. 26th, 2013|11:45 pm]

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Characters: Lilith and Quetzalcoatl, open to rescuers
Date/Time: Midsummer 2013
Location: Somewhere in Faerie
Rating: TBD
Warnings: TBD. Depends on their willpower.
Summary: Quetzal goes off with Lilith to help protect her... but who's going to protect him from her?

You are not what you seem )
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[Jun. 26th, 2013|11:52 pm]

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Characters: Nyx, Percival, Titania, anyone else?
Date/Time: Midsummer 2013
Location: Somewhere in Faerie
Rating: Uncertain
Warnings: Probably nothing
Summary: A knight and an ancient goddess walk into an illusion bar...

Dance the night away? )
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[Jun. 26th, 2013|10:48 pm]

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Characters: Mab, Puck, and most likely npcs
Date/Time: During the event
Location: Faerie
Rating: who knows
Warnings: Mab can be a bit violent
Summary: Mab goes to reclaim what's hers.

Bow before your Queen )
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[Jun. 24th, 2013|01:42 am]
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Characters: Tyr, Open to rescuers
Date/Time: June 23
Location: Faerie
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Tyr is transported back to his fateful battle with Fenrir, except the ancient wolf is stronger than ever,

The Original Big Bad Wolf )
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