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[Jan. 30th, 2014|01:40 am]

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Characters: Open to anyone willing.
Date/Time: January 30th.
Location: Redwood National Forest, California
Rating: PG at least.
Warnings: Violence, TBD
Summary: The flying snake fights anyone brave enough to face it.

Look to the skies... )
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Real Life Ate Me - Have A Backdated Story [Oct. 30th, 2013|01:28 am]

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Characters: Ares and Phonos
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 16, about 6pm
Location: A dive diner in NYC
Rating: PG13 at least. It's Ares, after all.
Warnings: Salty mouth.
Summary: War and Murder walk into a bar...

Make the steak bloody, waiter. )
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[Aug. 23rd, 2013|11:50 pm]

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Characters: Ares and Goliath
Date/Time: Saturday night, 8/24
Location: A dive bar somewhere in Montana
Rating: Probably gonna be an R here.
Warnings: Cursing and violence, of course.
Summary: Two big guys who solve disagreements by hitting things. What could go wrong?

One bourbon, one scotch, one beer. )
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[Jul. 26th, 2013|01:01 am]

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Characters: Aphrodite and Ares
Date/Time: Starting July 26, 2013
Location: Montana
Rating: Minimum of PG, due to language and such. Could easily go much higher.
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Ares and Aphrodite reunite for the weekend!

I miss everything about you )
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