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Holiday porn for everyone!

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Merry Smutmas, [info]entrenous88! [21 Dec 2007|12:00am]

To: [info]entrenous88
From: [info]auntee_mame

Title: For Crying Out Loud
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Ron, Ron/OF&MCs
Disclaimer: All characters, except for the OCs, which are totally insignificant and my creation, are the property of J.K. Rowling. There are no profits made and the story is for entertainment purposes only.
Summary: Ron has found a new set of friends and Harry feels left behind.
Warnings: None
Author's notes: Thank you to my wonderful Brit picker and beta.

For Crying Out Loud )
61 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]snapetoy! [21 Dec 2007|08:00am]

To: [info]snapetoy
From: [info]r_grayjoy

Title: To Keep Calendars in the Absence of Time
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: Anything recognizable herein does not belong to me, and I'm making no money from its use.
Summary: Severus finds that there can be many reasons to keep track of the days, even in a place where time has no meaning.
Warnings: Rimming
Author's notes: [info]snapetoy, you are one awesome lady, and I sincerely hope you enjoy this. Happy holidays! My undying gratitude to everyone who provided their input along the way, including E. for encouragement and a brilliant suggestion, A. for last-minute assistance, and most especially to N, for everything.

( To Keep Calendars in the Absence of Time )
77 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]femmequixotic! [21 Dec 2007|04:00pm]

To: [info]femmequixotic
From: [info]sherant

Title: A Snaco Vignette
Rating: R+
Pairing: Snape/Draco
Disclaimer: I just draw what my brain tells me to...
Summary: Post-HP6 perhaps, or Post-war AU. What would you do to a brat who smokes up all your best tobacco while you're out gathering supplies?
Warnings: Bare torso, fellatio, lots of rain, a hint of voyeurism -oh, and smoking. Image is NOT WORKSAFE.
Artist's notes: After I signed up for this wonderful fest I read through other people's posts to get an idea of what I could look forward to (and ideas for things I should have requested!). When I came across Femmequixotic's prompt of smoking I thought, "oooooh, that's cool, I should've done that! Hmm, maybe I'll do it anyway." So imagine my IMMENSE surprise and delight when I learned she was my gift recipient!

Anyway, the ideas (and her other prompts) really got my brain into overdrive. I really, really wish I could've asked someone to write a drabble to go along with this, since it turned out kind of rambly and short since I had to stop before it turned into a huge (but wonderful) project, LOL. But I really hope you like it, Femmequixotic, your prompts were a blast to work with, and I apologize again for the rather abrupt ending (and the proportionately small amount of actual smut)!

A Snaco Vignette )
108 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

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