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Merry Smutmas, [info]kaalee! [20 Dec 2007|12:00am]

To: [info]kaalee
From: [info]tarie

Title: Of Pride, Piercings, and a Particularly Profound Prurient Proficiency
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Neville/Seamus
Disclaimer: Not mine. JKR's. Don't sue; I'm poor.
Summary: While the trio's off hunting Horcruxes, back at Hogwarts things are grim. With most of the students looking to Neville for guidance, Seamus knows his friend needs all the support he can get. Support comes in a variety of ways.
Author's notes: Thanks to my beta! Some of the italicized lines have been Bogarted from ee cummings. A few lines of dialogue at the end were gacked directly from DH. Kaalee, I really hope you enjoy this. It was a challenge to write, but definitely one of the 'good' kind of challenges. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Of Pride, Piercings, and a Particularly Profound Prurient Proficiency )
25 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]meri_oddities! [20 Dec 2007|08:00am]

To: [info]meri_oddities
From: [info]ze_dragon

Title: Vehicular Homicide is Only a Misdemeanor but Arson is a Felony (Unexpected Sparks)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be.
Summary: Starting over doesn't always mean from scratch. Which is probably a good thing when something sinister is lurking around the corner.
Warnings: Epilogue compliant... does that require a warning?
Author's notes: Thanks to my amazing beta who let me bounce ideas off her until I finally settled on something... the very thing she told me I should write in the first place. Go figure. Oh, and I stretched the process in some places here and there to fit the story.

( Vehicular Homicide is Only a Misdemeanor but Arson is a Felony (Unexpected Sparks) )
57 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]bethbethbeth! [20 Dec 2007|04:00pm]

To: [info]bethbethbeth
From: [info]atdelphi

Title: Goat Song
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Aberforth Dumbledore/Severus Snape
Disclaimer: All recognisable elements herein are the sole intellectual and legal property of JKR and her associates. No profit is being made from this work and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: A tragedy in five scenes.
Author's Notes: Big thanks to my beta, who knows who she is, and happy holidays to Beth!

Goat Song
118 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

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