Mercy Cove Lines

April 2022

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April 30th, 2022



hi all! my name is emile and i have two dudes here. i was really busy with school up until now, but now that it's summer i'd like to reintro my guys and see who is still around because i have missed sooooo many intros.

this is jiang. he's a strigele who works as a personal trainer and takes a lot of naps. originally he was part of one of the big strigele houses, but with the retcon of the lius he is simply from a clan that operates out of china. jiang came to MC looking for a change of pace. and lots of naps.

he remains mostly the same. a little lazy, a little nosy, prone to old man wandering. still wondering how to cope with the sudden reappearance of the love of his life 700 years later. does flirt. does give excellent (maybe) life advice. does love food. does not tolerate brats much. if he can satisfy anything your characters are needing, let me know!

the second is ramayan, [info]sufferslong who is a djinn currently bound to shane o'connor ([info]mindwreck). to ram, this means loads of strife. to everyone else, it just means he can't actually leave mercy cove unless shane does. so he's stuck here! and you can only try and murder your witch so many times before it becomes a little boring. he's prone to roaming the town at all hours to seek out entertainment and trouble that is not shane-shaped. pretty vain, still not quite into human social mores and just might suggest murder as a solution to your problems, apparently terrible at being able to tell who is dangerous and who is not. has an aversion to fire-based creatures and magics, but is super duper interested in everything else. if a very curious, sometimes murderous djinni asking 100 questions about your char is something you'd be into, let me know!

i can be reached here, via dropboxes, or on discord if you'd like to chat!