Mercy Cove Lines

April 2022

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September 4th, 2021



H’okay so it took me a few days but I’m here, again! With the last round (I think?) of adds, I added two more to my roster. I haven’t added them to my fancy roster yet but, plz come and play with them :D

[info]liujinhae - Jinhae is a strigele, and is Arden’s childe. He’s come to Mercy Cove with his sire to work at The Abyss as a performer, but he’s friendly enough on a superficial level to anyone that might run into him. He can be found mostly at The Abyss and also at Heads & Tails, at the moment, but he’ll quite happily branch out to places that have niche items and eye candy :D

You can see more about him in his bio.

[info]impeccablysharp - Noah is the Worst Incubus to Ever Incubus. It’s a miracle he doesn’t starve, honestly. He isn’t a great flirt, he’s definitely doesn’t consider himself devastatingly handsome in a way that immediately catches people’s attention. He’s a bit of a neurotic mess and has lived in Mercy Cove for the past few years doing events planning for Mercy Cove and other areas. He’s pretty successful which means he’s got money to burn on shiny, frivolous things to make himself feel better.

He’s also kind of a one-man Queer Eye team and is really good at helping people find their style and overhaul their life for the better.

He’s moved around all major hubs in the US over the last eighty years so any connections for people he might have met would be awesome. A couple of people he can tap up as a sort of friend-with-benefits-feeding style relationship would be cool too, no stress or expectations, no strings. He’d happily be a heat/rut partner for anyone that needs it as that comes definitely with a bit of extra spice from a feeding perspective.

You can learn more about Noah and his incubus-specific abilities here in his bio :)

He can normally be found haunting literally anywhere, being sarcastic, histrionic and unnecessarily dramatic, waiting for the weather to turn so he can put his comfortable sweaters on without feeling like he’s going to die from the heat