Dec. 12th, 2008


But you can do the job while you're in--Aaaah! I almost hit a squirrel!

So, in case someone has managed to miss all the holiday cheer inside, they'll find that the outside of the Inn seems to have just as much spirit.

Lights seem to be a little bit of everywhere, some properly hanging and some just strewn about. Oliver Morris seems to have taken it upon himself to try and decorate the outside, though he's doing a mediocre job of it at best. Still, it's the effort that counts. Plus y'know, there are lights and they are hanging, that's what matters.

He also might be humming a little tune here and there, feel free to join in if you'd like.

Standing quietly on the back porch is a new arrival to the Inn. Ross Jenkins is...well, more than a little unsure of what's going on. He just died y'see, and while figured that maybe the afterlife would be...something like this? He didn't quite expect it to be so very...snowy.

Not far from Ross is a certain version of the Tenth Doctor. Although, if anyone were to look at him closely, they'd realize he's not the proper Doctor at all but the one that came from his hand. Be's bouncing on his heels and grinning like an idiot, absolutely thrilled with all the Christmas cheer! Oh yes, and he's enjoying a milkshake. No, we never claimed that he was particularly bright and if he complains about the cold, anyone should feel free to smack him.

Not far from the back area, there's a lake, now frozen over and a certain Eighth Doctor is taking advantage of the situation and doing a bit of ice-skating. Oh, this is his season, it really is. He's missed the winder terribly and although he could have very well just gone off to some cold planet and gotten his fix there, something about the Inn in winter always made the season that much better.

There are a couple of TARDISes stumbling around as well, one walking around holding tightly to a light blue lolly and the other spinning as fast as she possibly can. Neither of them have had the pleasure of playing in the snow before, or even experiencing snow at all, so don't mind if they seem a little awe-struck by the whole thing.

There might be a few others romping around in the snow as well, among them Jezebel and Grover. Jeze is twirling as fast as she can while still clutching her camera tightly and grinning like a fool. She loved the winter and Sal loved it too and there were so many people, so many pictures to be taken, it was fantastic! Grover meanwhile, is rolling around in the snow, making a valiant attempt to figure out how it was those funny humans went about making snow angels.

He's...not having much luck.

(OOC: So ladies, we already know how this works. Tag anyone in the post, tag any PLACE in the post tag a place that I somehow forgot or y'know just...tag! We'll ignore the fact that I don't need to be starting this right now since I owe both of you tags but eh, we'll work around that later. I should also make journls for...a lot of people mentioned in this post. XD Plus a few of the others hat need to get thrown into comments. >> I'll get to that though. Eventually.)