December 1st, 2023



[No Subject]


caught in the rain

It started out quietly, and then, quite suddenly, you're caught in a storm. Time to find cover. Nothing much to do but to wait it out.

Scenarios listed below for those who want 'em.

001 PLAYGROUND - Well, you can try to hide under the slide or maybe in the jungle gym... at least you're some place fun?
002 PARK - Always happens, caught outside trying to take advantage of the weather... and it ends up pulling a fast one on you.
003 STORE FRONT - Better hope they have an awning you can take advantage of
004 THE BEACH - Not exactly the best place to be during a rainstorm, however it is possible to get caught in a sudden storm
005 WILD CARD - Anyway you want it

ii HOW:
001 TREE - Not the best cover, but it'll have to do, stay close to the roots and you won't get too wet.
002 UMBRELLA - Most conventional... Kinda boring. But it works.
003 NEWSPAPER - Not permanent, but it'll have to do. Good luck
004 BAG - Well... y'gotta do what you gotta do.
005 NONE - You know what. You're a rebel. You don't need cover. Screw convention
006 WILD CARD - that's the way you need it

iii WHY:
001 REJECTED - Welp. Rejection sucks. And no one will see you crying in the rain.
002 WAITING - For the bus? For someone else? For some revelation? What are you waiting for.
003 MELANCHOLY - Sometimes the best place to feel a bit down is out in the rain.
004 HAPPINESS - Is everything going your way? Are you singing a refrain while walking down the lane? Just singin. Singin' in the rain.
006 WILD CARD - Anyway you want it.

>> POST with your character
>> TAG others, use RNG if you need to, or just make up your own scenario if you want!

(from here.)



[No Subject]


Being with someone can change your life. But what if you can't have your old life back? For your own sake, the sake of your relationship, or by no choice of your own, you have to leave the old you behind. It can go from anything to changing a behavior to changing your whole identity, and all of it can be difficult. One thing is clear, however; to continue where or as you'd lived before is not an option if you want to keep this person you care for in your life.

how to play;
  • Comment with your character and preferences.
  • Respond to others.
  • THERE WILL BE QUESTIONABLE CONTENT. Just because it's a shipping meme doesn't means everything's fluffy; in fact, more options than not have some unfortunate implications.

  1. Open Secret: You two have never specifically said who you are in this new place, though you've never denied it.
  2. Witness Protection: To protect your lives, you must live under assumed identities.
  3. Your Real Life: What you knew before was false. This is the actuality.
  4. After a Tragedy: All your friends are dead. Your group is shaken. You saw someone you love murdered. The only other person you have left is the one you're with.
  5. Second Chance at Life: After a brush with death, you've decided to do things right and actually live.
  6. I Don't Want this Life, Dean: You don't want to continue in the family business - er, in your old ways set up by someone else, so you cling to someone who can give you a normal life.
  7. Criminal: You did a bad thing and are wanted. For your protection and the safety of the one you lo...that person, you have to hide.

  8. Turning Over a New Leaf: You're genuinely trying to become a better person and you can't do that with the reminders of your old home and old life.
  9. Rehabilitation: Your lover is helping you get over your wounds, your traumas, or your flaws.
  10. Blank Slate: You have to have a new life because you don't know your old one! All you know is the person you're with and the things they can tell you.
  11. Partners in Crime: You two are rough around the edges, but you're reformed. Really, you just want a peaceful life!

  12. Old Habits Die Hard: No matter what your life is now, you can't shake the need to double check the locks or hold your magic wand tight.
  13. Guilt: You're guilty about your relationship, so you have to reside in hiding.
  14. Through Elicit Means: You got with your partner through cheating and you want to keep that fact on the low.
  15. Stolen Away: You stole your partner - from a bad situation or from someone cruel - so you have to keep your heads down
  16. Taboo:
    1. Incest: It's better for you to live where no one know's you're related.
    2. Age Difference: You can always fake IDs and birth certificates.
    3. Interspecies: There has to be somewhere that doesn't have the prejudices of your home.
  17. Tyrannical Government: You're political enemies drawn together. Perhaps you're working to undermine the government, or maybe you've escaped from that place and are living in peace.
  18. Pulled from the Darkness: Your previous life was so terrible, you don't want to even ponder it any more. End of story, it doesn't matter.
  19. Dependent: You don't know anyone else in this new world of yours, or you don't know how to navigate it, making you dependent on your partner.
  20. Protecting Them: You're with them and hiding them for their own benefit.
  21. They Don't About Your Past:
    1. Secret Monster: If they knew about who you used to be, they'd be disgusted and want nothing to do with you.
    2. For Them: You're dangerous to be around, so you can't clue them in lest an old enemy or your own abilities come back and harm them.
    3. Florence Nightingale: They found you and took you in to help you, no questions asked. You couldn't help but fall for them.
  22. Using Them: This new life is just a sham. You want them to be your camouflage, maybe even getting others to believe you've changed.
  23. Faked Turned Real:
  24. Both of you were using each other for cover, but're not sure.
  25. Brainwashing:
    1. One-Sided: You love them and want them to believe that things have always been like this. Can you be blamed for going about it this way?
    2. Mutual: Both of you think you've always lived this life, thanks to outside forces.
  26. Who Am I, Really?: You love your partner, but you feel like you're losing yourself.



[No Subject]


drunk: the meme

  • post your character
  • they're now drunk
  • bar fights, drunk flirting or makeouts, shenanigans of any and all kinds, philosophising or moroseness, go for it