April 20th, 2023



[No Subject]


The Host/essing Meme

A host club is an establishment with a roster of all types of attractive men who will offer flirting, flattery, pampering, and companionship in a congenial environment and at an exorbitant rate. ... Hosts do not offer actual sex, though it's pretty common for them to sleep with their clients after hours. Customers at host clubs are eventually expected to pick a favorite, known as a "tantou", who will eventually become their main entertainer.

How to Play

  1. Set the scene! Go with the usual Host or Cabaret Club, dive into a quirkier scene at a Maid Cafe, Butler Cafe, Cosplay Cafe... or create the hosting service of your dreams!

  2. State your preference: host or customer.

  3. Tag around!



[No Subject]

On The Run Meme

Maybe something went wrong, or maybe it's just another normal day in your life, but you've found yourself on the run. Did you commit a crime, or cross the wrong person, or simply end up in the wrong place at the wrong time? Whatever the reason behind your situation is, your goal is the same: don't get caught.
How To Play
• Comment with your character, and if you're feeling ambitious put in a bit of a starter. Who are you running from and why?
• Respond to others, either as their partner on the run or part of the force chasing them.
• Have epic adventures, fall in love, utterly fail and get caught. See how it goes!
• RNG for some extra unpredictable fun.


1. Running from the cops. You broke the law, whether it was shoplifting or murder, and now you've got a warrant out for your arrest.
2. Attracted the wrong attention. You made someone angry, or obsessed, or otherwise drawn their ire and now they're after you.
3. Somewhere or somewhen. You've ended up in a place and/or time in which you're not welcome.
4. Wildcard!

1. Friends (or more.) You've known each other for awhile and are on good terms, so hopefully you can rely on each other in this situation.
2. Circumstantial allies. Strangers, enemies, or otherwise you've ended up in this mess together, and it might benefit you both to cooperate.
3. Opposite sides. One of you is the runner, and the other is pursuing. Which will prevail?
4. Wildcard!


1. Late to the party. How many people did you piss off? In addition to whoever was already after you, someone else now is as well. Maybe they'll take each other out?
2. Confrontation. They've found you, and it's come down to a fight.
3. Disguise. You can't evade them, but you can hope they won't recognize you. Better be a good actor!
4. Wildcard!