April 9th, 2023



[No Subject]


the “what’s on your camera roll?” meme

What’s on your camera roll? Selfies? Photos of your loved ones? Lurid videos taken at your latest house party that you forgot to delete? Something even more scandalous? Well, better hope it’s nothing too incriminating because it’s now being projected on the big screen (in slideshow form or as a straight-up mini-movie) for everyone to see! Feel free to provide commentary or narration… or just do your best to slink away before you’re recognized as the starring role/camera operator.

how to play

1. Post a comment with your character’s name, canon, and preferences in the subject line.

2. In the body of the comment, include a description, image, or gif of something from your character’s camera roll—this can be from their actual camera, a phone, GoPro, security cam footage, whatever! Just remember to warn and put it behind a link if you want to include actual NSFW images.

3. Whatever the source of the photos/video, it’s now being projected onto a big screen for everyone else to see. Feel free to include your character’s commentary/narration on what they’re seeing… or just their general reaction to having their private images blasted into other people’s eyeballs.

4. Grab some popcorn and tag into other people’s top-levels with your character’s reactions to their impromptu screening sessions!