Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum

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Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum



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August 23rd, 2008

Persona 3 - Autumn Sky AU: October Full Moon

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Title: Autumn Sky AU: October Full Moon
Game: Persona 3
Characters: Aki, Shinji
Rating: Teen/PG13, Worksafe
Spoilers: October full moon, for context, though this is AU

Notes: For Megaten on Demand, [info]mitsuhachi asked for an AU were Aki was female from the beginning. This is a drabble from that universe. There are more ideas either side of this, this just happened to write itself first.

Aki heard the gunshot and ran faster...

August 20th, 2008

Megaten on Demand request post - August

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Megaten on Demand hopes to be an ongoing thing in [info]megidolaon, in which you can make suggestions for fic or art you'd like to see, and likewise go look at others' requests when you want inspiration. ^_^

The rules: Each person may make two requests each month. Please make your requests in separate comments to this post, so that the master list can link to the details for each one. You can be as simple or as detailed as you'd like about what you want to see -- it just needs to involve one or more of the Shin Megami Tensei games. If your request contains spoilers, please say so (and mention which game) in the subject of your comment, so people who are browsing can skip any that they need to. We encourage anyone to leave requests, and everyone who's interested is welcome to write or draw for any of them (more than once, even!).

The master list of unfilled requests can be found HERE.

Megaten on Demand - Unfilled Request Master List

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This is the unfilled request list for Megaten on Demand -- this list will be updated once a month, when the new request post goes up, with the previous month's requests. Requests are listed here in the order they were posted.

Anyone is welcome to fill these requests at any time! To make sure the requester sees it, please leave a comment to the original request (linked in this post). ^_^

master request list )

August 18th, 2008

fic: "Surface," Trinity Soul/Persona 3

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Title: Surface
Author: Laylah
Rating: PG-13 for suggestive m/m situations
Canon: Persona 3/Persona Trinity Soul
Pairing: Akihiko/Shinjiro
Spoilers: first half of Trinity Soul (episode 15 to be safe?); vague spoilers (though AU) through October of Persona 3.
Summary: This investigation is getting to him -- but Akihiko still has friends who want to be sure he's okay.

Surface )

August 15th, 2008

chasing shadows (Persona 2: EP)

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Game: Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (with a hefty side of Innocent Sin)
Characters: Tatsuya Sudou, quite a lot of mentioned Jun
Pairings: very one-sided Sudou/Jun
Spoilers: Eternal Punishment (who the EP Joker is, primarily), some Innocent Sin.
WC: 503
Warnings: insane schizophrenic arsonist, crazy obsessions, me not able to write this very well, me fucking up suffixes (as I'm not quite certain what suffix Sudou uses in IS to refer to/address the Joker)

chasing shadows )

August 11th, 2008

[Persona 3] Not Talking About It (Shinjiro, Akihiko)

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Game: Persona 3
Characters: Shinjiro, Akihiko
Kinks: makeup sex, sex in public, rough sex
Spoilers: September 10
WC: ~945

Written for Springkink on LJ's Kink Olympics meme, which is perhaps surprisingly heavy on SMT prompts. Prompt: Shinjiro/Akihiko, makeup sex in a public place.

Aki wants to see what can happen at Port Island? Fine.

Comments are welcome and appreciated.

July 30th, 2008

[Persona 3] Rinse, Repeat (Shinjiro, Akihiko, Mitsuru)

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Game: Persona 3
Characters: Shinjiro, Akihiko, Mitsuru
Spoilers: Up to and including Sept 2.
WC: ~600

Notes: This is [info]lynndyre's fault. Squint and this is maybe happening sometime between Sept 3 and 5?

I expect this takes ridiculous liberties with dorm bathrooms, at the least.

Link: Mitsuru's bikini is a shade whiter than her skin. Aki's got a pair of black Speedos. Shinji is wearing the same grey-brown-navy pair of underwear he's been wearing for the last four days sodden against his skin, isn't enjoying the view, clamping his eyes shut against the shampoo suds trailing down his face, because they're making him take a bath, the bastards.

July 21st, 2008

Fic: Feelings Aside (Persona 3)

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Title: Feelings Aside
Fandom: Persona 3
Pairing: Yukari/Mitsuru
Rating: not worksafe
Length: ~1000 words
Warnings: Spoilers through the endgame of The Answer. That will probably tell you when this takes place.

Feelings Aside )

Another Date

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Title: Another Date
Fandom: Persona 3
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Pairing: Junpei/Minato
Warnings: Smut, voyeurism, unwitting exhibitionism. No particular spoilers, except for general game mechanics.
Summary & Notes: Minato takes one of Elizabeth's requests, and it doesn't quite work out the way he intended. Written for [info]areyougame for the prompt: Persona 3, Minato Arisato (the Main Character) & another student (author’s choice): voyeurism & dorm room masturbation - “I was um…just creating a social link!"

Not so much with the masturbation, though, despite the prompt ^^ Enjoy!

( Is this not how a human propositions another? I thought it would make you more comfortable if I mimicked human interactions more closely. )

Crossposted to [info]areyougame, [info]atlus, and [info]megidolaon

Persona 3 Fic: Like Wet Cloth

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Title: Like Wet Cloth
Fandom: Persona 3
Pairing: Shadow/Yukari, Akihiko/Yukari
Rating: So not with the worksafe, or the brain-safe
Length: 1947
Warnings: Xeno/serious dub-con/exploitation. No significant game spoilers beyond mentioning in-party characters up to July.
A/N: This is what air travel does to me. I haven't yet read [info]laylah's Nyctophobia (as soon as I play through October, I am so there), so apologies if I'm overloading the tentacle circuits.
A/N Which Is Also Like An Apology: I like Yukari. I really do. I feel a little bad about this. But only a little.

Cut to my IJ.

Like Wet Cloth

Megaten on Demand

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So let's get this place moving!

This will be kind of an ongoing feature at [info]megidolaon -- once a month your mods will put up a new request post so people can make new suggestions. We'll keep track of all the unfilled requests in a single post, so anyone looking for inspiration can browse through it easily.

Each person may make two requests each month. Please make your requests in separate comments, so that the master list can link to the details for each one. You can be as simple or as detailed as you'd like about what you want to see -- it just needs to involve one or more of the Shin Megami Tensei games. If your request contains spoilers, please say so (and mention which game) in the subject of your comment, so people who are browsing can skip any that they need to.

Anyone who's interested is welcome to write/draw for any of these suggestions -- we'd love to see your contributions in the asylum! ^_^

Intro post: Welcome!

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Welcome to the Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum on IJ! This asylum is for sharing fanworks -- fic, art, icons, or anything else -- of the Shin Megami Tensei brand of video games and all its spinoffs, whether it be the main series, Persona, Digital Devil Saga, Devil Summoner, or any other SMT game Atlus has given us over the years.

Our guidelines can be found here, and your mods are [info]laylah and [info]arianne if you should need us. ^^

Sometime soon, we hope to do a prompt post to get things started. In the meantime, and always, feel free to join and post!
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