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Jul. 20th, 2011


in which aims fails!

i've been lacking in this game greatly, but i'm back and i'm here!


feel free to kick my ass and tell me that rachel needs to log/thread with your character. keep in mind, she's working this summer. :)

Jul. 19th, 2011


Welcome all the new people  so glad to see things get active again!

I do apologize for being so absent lately.  RL stuff... sorry, my dears!  I am going to take some time today to catch up and do some posting and I hope that I will be back in the swing of things this week!  

Anyone who needs Burt/Shannon/ or even Betsy for anything should watch for elisiand on AIM, and if you see me there, guaranteed I can chat.  I'm also more than willing to start a longer thing on Gdocs.  

Again, sorry I have been MIA, back now, love to all.

Jul. 12th, 2011



Hey, guys, it's Noelle!

Um, I'm taking a two day hiatus from all RP/Fanfiction writing to focus on some school work that's due soon. I should be back by Wednesday night. If you have any plot ideas or questions, leave them on my OOC contact/plotting post at the top of Tina's journal! Thanks, and I'll see you guys on Wednesday! <3
As far as Tina goes, she'll be too depressed from her fight with Artie and Mike to socialize!

Jul. 11th, 2011


Hey. Going on a trip from Monday to Thursday so I should be less active, maybe just catching up on unfinished scenes whenever I get a chance, but not starting anything new until I'm back. (I tend to use my phone for access anyway. Even when I'm home, I'm usually on that, not a computer.) Anyway - this is just a post to let you that your ridiculously active new player will be slowing down a bit for the next four days. :D Super-addicting game you've got here!

LOLZ I might have some down-time. ;)

Jul. 2nd, 2011


Hello, bbs. :) I'm going to my boyfriend's cabin for the weekend, so I won't have any internet access, and I sincerely doubt I'm going to have access on my phone... I love camping but seriously I'm going to want to die.


love, kat. :)

Jun. 30th, 2011


Hiatus (sort of)

I'm currently breathing in the cool ocean breeze of San Diego, CA so I'll be on a bit of a hiatus until Monday. I have internet access but not a whole lot of time to get online, especially after tomorrow night when I make my way to L.A.
I'll be back in NorCal and back in action on monday for sure!
I hope everyone has a great weekend, I know I will!

Jun. 24th, 2011


Double away notice

Just wanted to say Joie and I will both have limited availability until next Thursday. Hers may extend past that because of general limited Internet access at her new apartment but I/she will keep y'all posted. If anyone has any urgent messages etc let me know and I'll pass them on!

Looking forward to the start of the game and playing with Santana, Artie, & hopefully David soon!

May. 24th, 2011


So sorry I have been MIA, my dears. I am back, and raring to go, if anyomne wants to do anything during the freeze, or to plot for over the summer. Camping trip, boys? We can even invite Blaine.....

Apr. 21st, 2011



Hey, guys -- I'm going to be on vacation and out of the country for the next week and a half, so I'll be on limited net access and semi-hiatus. I'll be checking email at least once a day, since I'm finishing up some online classes and have to be reachable, but I won't be on AIM and I may be slow to reply on threads and such -- and I'm probably going to miss next week's ep completely (*sob*), so if Blaine is needed someone will have to fill me in on what he's needed for.

Like I said, I'll still be checking in on email, so feel free to drop me a line if necessary. See y'all in May!


Mar. 30th, 2011


I apologize, guys, this week is rapidly getting away from me.  I have one and a half weeks of student teaching left to do, and comps to study for (they are on the 9th) and then I can catch a bit of a break.  I will catch up on the Regionals thread this weekend (Burt 's not deaf, Genny! <wink> or blind, Puck...).  And If Kurt and Blaine would like to hang out with Dad, after the 9th, I'm your man... er... well, you know what I mean.

So I guess this is me sayingI'm on haitus for a weekish, but will be back!  So keep up all the good work --- you guys are awesome! 

Dec. 3rd, 2010


I am hiatus-ing myself this weekend because I am busy and stuff (and stuff). Might be around some, but we'll see.


Nov. 23rd, 2010



I´ve managed to cross the download limit of my dorm room connection which means they have disconnected me, the bastards. I´ll still have Internet access at school during the day, but since my day is most people´s night...

I apologize to everyone logging with me at the moment that it will take a while to get things finished :( I should be back to normal on Friday.

Nov. 7th, 2010



I am just happy to inform you that my computer situation has been solved and I am back to my usual amount of computer time! Yay! I´m also happily ignoring the fact that I have horrible amount of schoolwork that I should be focusing on...

So if you want to log/thread/something anything with Mike or Maddie, I´m available!

ETA: I admit I got kind of lost in the RHGS sub-plot... I´ll blame it on the lack of internet access... I understand it took place on Saturday? And was Mikey involved in some way or not? I think he could persuade his parents to let him play Eddie, if Carl left him the role... Just so I know :D (I´m such a fail when it comes to plotting...)

Nov. 1st, 2010


Jumping on the NaNo bandwagon! Like some other people here, I'll be putting myself through 30 days and nights of hell to participate in NaNo. I love RPing too much to be drastically absent, but my replies might take a little longer than usual!

Good luck to everyone else participating this year! :)

Oct. 31st, 2010



First off, Happy Halloween Long live Lily and James Potter <3

Secondly...The end of october means the start of November, the start of November means the start of NaNoWriMo, which I am participating in.

Basically, throughout the month of November I'll be a lot less active than I have been in the past, I will still be on and I'll try to get on everyday (which won't be hard since I tend to procrastinate) but I just wanted to let you guys know in case I disappear or something.


(On a completely separate note, I'm loving everyone's mixed reactions to Owen, it makes me laugh)

Oct. 30th, 2010


alright so as people may probably not have noticed, i haven't been around lately... my old college roomie flew into town this weekend to see me, and she'll be around til tuesday... so i won't be all that active until then. :( sorry. ilu all! feel free to bug me with lot ideas @ my email ( katiee.doyle(at)yahoo(dot)com ) because that'd make me feel loved. :)

Oct. 28th, 2010


Look, it's an icon I never use!

Hi everyone,

For your planning purposes, over the next three weekends (October 29-31, November 5-7, and November 12-14), I am going to be less available than usual due to various real-life commitments. I'll be checking the e-mail account associated with my RP journals ( a couple times a day, but I probably won't be able to comment, IM, or reply to threads/scenes in a terribly timely fashion.

I'll be around as always during the week, so if you need me please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail, ping me in the ooc community, or IM/comment me when you see me online and active. Thanks! :)

Oct. 10th, 2010


hey guys!

i'm going to be in kisumu/lake victoria monday-friday. i'll probably have internet, but it will be super limited and idk if i'll be able to get on ij much/at all. we'll just say that brittany is avoiding the intarwebz because she's pissed at santana and that matt is like, idk, doing matt-stuff.

have great weeks! :)

Oct. 7th, 2010


Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I'm flying to VA tomorrow for a friend's wedding. I'm taking my laptop, and I'll be sure to leave random comments or whatnot (and post after the McKinley High football victory of amazingness!!!!) but my presence will be more sporadic than it is most weekends so I can wish my friends happiness and marital bliss blah blah blah ;)

Sep. 30th, 2010



Hey everyone! I'm back in business so hit me up if you want to game. Oh and catch me up on what I missed? :P

I hate having no Internet D:

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