April 19th, 2012

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

New character!

We have a Mike Chang! Jay is picking him up as a third and final character ([info]dancingninja), so everyone update your friends lists here!

[info]dancingninja in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hey everyone! So through some convincing and my own need to let free my inner Mike Chang, I have decided to grace your presence with his fun and cuddly adorkableness. XP Hopefully I can meet in the happy middle between Will and Erik with him, but if I skew too much one way or another and it doesn't quite seem "Changsta" enough, let me know.

I need to work out his backstory some more so he may not be fully up for play until sometime this weekend. And I do know there will a lot of discussion for plots, catch up, canon events, deviations, etc so hit me up with ideas and thoughts. For Mike's AIM: cool_dancingxninja

It is linked to my other accounts, so just because one may be "invisible" doesn't mean that character is or isn't available. Mike and Erik love "you-can't-see-me-but-i-am-online-ninja mode" alot. *lol* I'm online more times than I should admit to. Looking forward to even more fun and mayhem.
