April 11th, 2012

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

New character!

Dhi's picking up Artie! Say hi to him at [info]byewhitepeople, and everyone update your friends lists here!

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

NPC journal?

I've had a request/suggestion for the coming week: a game-wide NPC journal, for characters that aren't around enough to merit a full character, but would be awesome to have for just one week/episode. I know this has been a possibility in the past, for main characters' family members and such, but it's always been handled between players (Michaela, Claire), or expanded into a full character (Diego, Marianne). Is this something you guys would be interested in?

Cut for spoilers, logistics... )

Thoughts, suggestions? This is just a rough idea of how such a thing could work, especially in terms of next week and a guest star who could potentially interact with everyone for just a very short time, but is there an interest in this for the rest of the season?