January 31st, 2012

[info]fastfuriousflip in [info]mckinley_ooc

Yo. Wassup everyone.

Been wanting to do this for awhile and here you go. An oc and a Dalton student....and future warbler....maybe. Yay! (plus it relieves me of my teacher duties every once and awhile. This is a far cry from Schue. Lol)

this character is still a work in progress. As an OC I'll be drawing some ideas, thoughts and such from my own experiences and others as a 'lost and displaced' Filipino-American. But this is still fiction of course.

So as of right now he is settling into his new life at Dalton. And he isn't liking it one bit. He hates the idea of uniforms. And he misses his friends and home back in Colorado. And excuse his foul mouth!! He's a very angry and somewhat rebellious kind of guy. And he loves to make smart ass remarks but he is still a quiet and reserved guy. (one could say he is almost the equivalent of Santana) He's bottled up a lot of feelings.

I'll have a more detailed profile up asap. So stay tuned for it. As for storylines....all I have in regards to possible connections is Jeff as of late. (and Blaine and/or Kurt). Unless he finds a way to Lima he won't really know anyone else. But we can still do some plotting.

Hit me up on aim at fastnfuriousxflip (or gleegoldenboy10). ^-^ I look forward to the mayhem.

- Jay

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Episode Discussion : 03x11 "Michael"

(If you are deciding to keep something show canon, please add discussion about when you think the event will happen over the next week so we can have an established chronology.)

PLEASE NOTE: Canon events for this episode will play out between February 5-11; game wide events will be listed below as soon as they are pinned down. The rest of this week is for plotting, coordinating, and laying groundwork for next week. Please remember: no spoilers outside of this post until Saturday morning!

ETA: First pass... )